To be or not to be in theatre.

By: Gen Federico | Posted: 23rd February 2011

For anyone not involved in the entertainment business, the question of why actors choose to work on stage or in the movies is quite an interesting one. Some people might consider working in theatre to be more challenging and requiring more talent.

The stage puts an actor on an intimate level with the audience – therefore requiring more of the actor, but those who love the theatre will say that they get a lot back from the audience too. There is no escaping an audience’s awe, or wrath, when you are standing feet away from them under the same roof.

Performing an entire play, night after night, sometimes twice in a day, is certainly gruelling and demanding of a performer. There is little chance for anything else in life, or anyone else, and can be challenging for families and partners.

However, perhaps the life of a movie actor is not so easy either. Movie actors must also interrupt their lives for the course of filming, which may take them far away from loved ones to locations in other cities and even other countries.

Waiting around is an often heard complaint by actors on film sets, and never getting the feedback from the audience could leave many feeling as though they are performing for only a camera, and not a person.

As we can see, performing for the stage and for the camera requires different things from actors – this is also true of prop hire. You might expect prop hire for the stage to be easy; since the stage is supposed to reflect real life, surely real items can be used?

That is almost true. Because of the lighting and the distance that the audience is from the stage, it is an ironic fact that stage props must often be adapted to look more like the real thing than they really are.

This is why working with an experienced hire company for your stage props is so essential – there is a fine line between exaggerated and comical. Contact Keeley Hire for expert help and advice.

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Tags: audience, different things, awe, little chance, lighting, wrath, entertainment business