Up and down through Italy searching the Carnival’s tastes!

By: MartinaPP | Posted: 22nd February 2011

The Italian culinary tradition is notoriously full of excellence confirmed by the enormous mass of registered products and imitations that in every corner of the world people tried to do.

In addition to the products themselves there are also numerous recipes that can be found in the Italian tradition, a different proposal for every occasion, many kind of cakes that in every region are related to a particular year’s period. Just thinking to the “panettone” and “pandoro”, typical cakes of the Christmas period, specialties exported all over the world. But not only in especial occasion there are cakes but also all over the year, just think to nougat that is appreciated every time. Those cakes are also exported from Italy, by particukar firms, like precious thing, which they are.

Very popular, tasty and delicious desserts are also going to celebrate the carnival, those various names that change from northern to southern Italy, but in essence are very similar. The most famous are undoubtedly those that are produced in the province of Venice, due to their resonance in the world due to the influx of tourists who flock to see the beautiful Carnival of Venice. Historically, the period of Carnival is the one that precedes Lent, a time for penance and fasting, so the tradition provides great entertainment, such as masks and big binge, which then created the wide variety of desserts. But Carnival the sweets are very fat, usually fried and tasty.

There are two typical desserts of this period par excellence: the “frittelle” and the “galani” (in other parts of Italy called “chiacchere”). The “frittelle”, or "fritole" in local dialect, have been considered for centuries the national sweet of the Serenissima Republic of Venice, and still retains its dominance in the entire area around Venice and in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The “frittelle” is essentially a mixture consisting of eggs, flour, sugar, raisins and pine nuts fried in oil, pork fat or butter in frying suitably designed. Once the production was so sweet “frittelle” states that a special craft guild, that of "fritoeri", was created in Venice.

The “galani” or “chiacchere”, "crostoli", “lattughe”, whatever you want, from cakes are more ancient origins that trace their origin in Roman times that was prepared during the spring festival of fried dough similar to lasagna but in the fat. The mixture of current “galani” fact is very simple: flour, water, sugar, eggs and butter. The mixture is "pulled" until you reach a certain thickness that distinguishes "crostoli" of the mainland that are bigger and the “galani” lagoon who are more subtle and far more brittle. Both versions are tasty, but especially enjoy special moments of celebration and sharing!

Walking through Italy and then there are many proposals for this period is passed because we “cicerchiata” the Marche to “panzerotti alla marmellata” typical of the Val D'Aosta until you reach the “farra” from Puglia and “stracci” from Tuscany. In short, many proposals all to try and why not to experiment at home by digging a diet and enjoy the tradition and taste of italian products!

This article was written by Martina Celegato, with support from pandoro.
For any information please visit dolci di pasqua, or visit dolci dietetici

Prima Posizione srl

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Tags: influx, binge, imitations, cakes, great entertainment, dialect, southern italy, christmas period, precious thing, pine nuts