Features of the Video Phone...

By: Telecom Secrets Revealed | Posted: 21st February 2011

There are so many magnificent features on the video phone and I want to share them with you. All these features and functions come standard on the video phone, meaning no extra cost and on top of that, you get the already low monthly bill.

Here are some of the awesome features: seeing the person you are talking to, enhanced video clarity, enhanced light sensor camera, you can connect it to a larger screen, video voice mail, automatic bandwidth adjustment, Three Way Video calling, call forward, 7” screen, caller ID, call waiting, auto redial, Digital picture frame $80.00-$100.00 dollar value* (When not in use), unlimited calls...

Now what does this means to you? Well you can talk to anyone around the world using audio or video capabilities. Plus you get the digital phone service that includes video and all these wonderful features for the same price you are paying now or probably lower than what you are paying now.

So you no longer have to worry about your loved ones well being, because now you can see them for yourself.

You get to see and talk to them every day with no problem. Like turning on your computer to use the online video chat...that sometimes doesn't work because it freezes or it disconnects. With a video phone you just pick up the phone, dial and talk… it’s that simple.

Plus if you don't want to use the video just hit the privacy button and the camera will shut off.

Also if you or someone you know, is hearing impaired you can now communicate easy with the real time video phone  . It’s amazing what this video phone can do!!!

Experience the brand new way of communicating don't get stuck using the out dated regular audio only telephone service. Remember all the features I mentioned above and many more are… Well the price you pay for all of these features is usually cheaper than regular phone service.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it is not modified in any way including the author bylines and active hyperlinks. Modesto Colon and Giovanni Diaz are experts in telecommunications and have marketed dozens of telecom products and services. They have participated in helping many in this telecom industry. They have devoted themselves to the study of this art of communications and enjoy imparting the "lessons learned" to other like-minded individuals. To find out more information please go to http://www.telecomsecretsrevealed.com.
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Tags: hyperlinks, bandwidth, bylines, real time, clarity, voice mail, caller id, telephone service, dollar value, video phone, video chat, video capabilities, light sensor