Take Home Entertainment To The Next Level With The Best Blu Ray Movies

By: mariocora | Posted: 17th February 2011

In 2008 HD DVD finally succumbed to the blu ray disc in the format war for which would be the high definition optical disc for films. So it is only recently that is has been decided, so it is still relatively new, and film companies are only now beginning to release blu ray movies from their back catalogue. Every day there are new titles released and this may just be the time to get a blu ray player if you have not already purchased one.

You will also of course need a good television with HD capabilities to watch these movies at their best quality. But if you own a blu ray player or a Playstation 3, which has a built in player that can read the discs, and an HD TV, you are going to experience home entertainment like you could never imagine.

Blu rays are the rage at the moment, with almost every new title being released now, but some films stand out above others and if you are planning on starting a collection, or perhaps are just looking for movies to rent, these titles are a great starting point.

Its hard to imagine recommending movies that are over seventy years, but the first 3 movies that you should think about are just that, and are movies that belong in any collection no matter the format. The blu rays offer you the opportunity to see them like you never have before, and are by far the highest quality versions ever seen before. The first is Casablanca, and its ultimate collector's edition should be in everyone's collection. It might not stand up technically to movies made today, but if you have seen it before you will be gobsmacked by just how much better this copy is than anything seen before.

Likewise with the special edition of Gone With The Wind, celebrating its 70th anniversary. The original print has been fully remastered by Warner Bros for this release, and if you have seen the DVD released a few years ago, you will undoubtedly be amazed by how good it looks. It is a completely new experience no matter how many times you have seen it.

The Wizard is the third film that is 70 years old and should be part of any collection. They have spent ages remastering every aspect of it, and the picture and sound are amazing. It can almost stand up quality-wise to almost anything made today.

The Lord Of The Rings trilogy is not quite one movie, but it is one story, and definitely one that is a blu ray must. It is an incredibly made trilogy and there can be no better way of watching this Peter Jackson directed classic.

But if you want to watch a movie that would make people rush out to buy a blu ray player, then make sure to get James Cameron's Avatar. It is an absolute visual feast, and should be on the top of your list.

As far as collection goes, there are other blu ray movies you should look at. Some of the films based on comic books made lately are incredible in this format. Iron Man, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are great examples of this, with fantastic special features as well. If you love animation, all of the Pixar Animation classics should be in your collection with the blu rays of movies like The Toy Story trilogy, Up and Wall-e excellent additions to any collection.

If you are looking for an online dvd rental along with online game rental, in that case look no further more. DVDLink.ca is one of the best choice for you. DVDLink.ca has a large assortment of movies and games for PS3, Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360 and it has got the ideal assortment of bluray movies. Plus, they are continously increasing the collection each and every day.
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Tags: wizard, rage, playstation 3, best quality, home entertainment, new experience, great starting point, gone with the wind, blu ray disc, hd tv, warner bros, blu ray player, blu ray movies