Creating and Selling Your Own iPhone Apps

By: ConorCox | Posted: 17th February 2011

You probably think I am some extremely smart high-tech guy about to tell you some crazy complex way to make iPhone apps that will take months to learn all the steps, but I am only a 21-year old that does not even know that much about computers. This is actually really easy so it should not be long at all before you are making your own apps! You might be reading this because you have an amazing idea for an app that you have not seen in the App Store OR you might be here to take advantage of the potentially HUGE amount of money you can make by selling the iPhone apps you create. Either way I just want to assure you that this is really easy and well worth the small amount of time it will take to learn how this works.
Ok so, the very first and perhaps the most challenging step is going to be coming up with your idea for an app. If you are planning on selling your app then it is important to consider all the different categories in the App store. They are Games, Entertainment, Utilities, Social Networking, Music, Productivity, Lifestyle, Reference, Travel, Sports, Navigation, Health care and Fitness, News, Photography, Finance, Business, Education, Weather, Books, Medical. Just your every day topics really. It will obviously be a great deal easier if you go with something you already have an interest and knowledge in. Some of the most useful apps are the information based ones with a billion different pages, but those apps take FOREVER to create because of the amount of content you have to add so you probably want to do yourself a favor and DO NOT make a dictionary app or anything like that. Plus there is nothing worse than spending hours upon hours of time making an app and then it ends up not being as successful as you thought it would be. So play it safe, save some time, keep the idea sweet and simple. There are a ton of apps that are really just 1 main page like a bar-code scanner, guitar tuner, or a flashlight. These types of apps are going to be the most cost/time effective for you and they tend to stand the test of time better than information based apps simply because information is usually in constant need of updating. The main key is that whatever idea you come up with regardless of category it needs to OFFER SOMETHING DIFFERENT than all the other apps in the app store in order to be successful and avoid a lot of marketplace competition, so take however much time it takes to think of that GREAT idea.
Alright Step 2, you have got your revolutionary idea and you are ready to turn that idea into a reality. So create a rough draft, sketch, or even a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation of your app and cover ALL the details and what you will want to be included. This is necessary and helpful in order to turn your vague app idea into a detailed plan covering each and every aspect that needs to be addressed, and it often makes you think of new ideas or things you had not considered. So just imagine the different pages and design of the app and how you will want to organize that.
Now you are kind of faced with a choice at step 3. And by that I mean you can either....
a) Hire someone to create the app for you
b) Pay for a website or software program that make apps for you
The better decision is completely dependent upon the type of app that you are creating. If you are creating something that is simple that just needs a typical design and layout then you will probably be fine with the software programs or websites that can make apps. But if you want something that is new, different, very niche, or complex then these programs are not going to cut it for you. The majority of the apps out there could never have been created this way. Here's an example of a few of them just to give you an idea on why it is impossible: Games, Police Scanner, GPS. What many apps offer is too specific and advanced for these programs. If this is the case with your particular app then you will need to find someone to make the app for you. Now you are probably thinking "Oh God, nevermind that will be WAY too expensive", but there are actually a ton of people(usually found on websites) that will build your app for you at a surprisingly cheap hourly price that you DO NOT HAVE TO SHARE THE APP'S SALES PROFITS WITH. There are also people who claim to make better apps that charge more, I think in this case you generally get what you pay for. Depending on the app it could take as little as a couple hours or it could take dozens of hours. So go to a website that has a directory of iphone app developers and start contacting the programmers! Get some quotes on cost and time.
Okay, your app is done. You want to get it in the App Store! You will have to sign up for the iPhone Developer Program at It is $99 a year, a small price to pay for what you can easily make back. After signing up when you submit an app make sure it doesn't have the same name as any other app in the app store or it will get rejected. But otherwise it should be accepted within a few weeks. There have been cases where it has taken months for apps to get approved, but if you contact them about it they usually speed up the process for you. They are generally happy to approve almost all of the apps that are submitted because they get 30% of your app sales. Besides being in the app store there's about a million different things you can do to market your iPhone app once it is in the app store, but that is a whole other subject that I'm not going to cover in this article. But basically if you know how to market, you know how to market an iPhone app. I just wanted to get into how to create an iPhone app and get it ready to sell. One of the best things about creating your own apps and selling them is this can provide a long-term income. There are certain ideas for apps that are timeless, that just simply aren't going to go out of style. So potentially you could still be making money in 30 years off an app you create now. This is a great thing to get into especially if you have a great inventor type imagination. If you want to find out more in-depth about creating/selling apps, the best software programs and websites for creating them, and the best directories of app developers to create them for you I urge you to check out the extremely helpful link below. I learned everything that I know from there. About the Author
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Tags: dictionary, amount of money, amount of time, social networking, productivity, games, lifestyle, health care, business education, flashlight, finance business, iphone, iphone apps