Serious Artists Study To Get Paid

By: hilary rose | Posted: 16th February 2011

The room is filled with soft blues and scratching sounds. Seventeen artists in a circle transform their canvasses into a single subject, using pencils, pastels, and paint. The subject is a dance instructor dressed in workout clothes, sitting in the middle of the circle with her head tilted slightly upward. Further your knowledge on paintings at create oil painting from photo.

Around her are artists, some focus on the model's upswept hair and strong features. The others' attention is drawn to her body and limbs, which they render in long strokes or soft shading. One watercolor painter from Crystal Lake creates an illusion of action, as she superimposes pose on top of pose. She paints landscapes most of the time, making her appreciate all the more the group's weekly sessions that allow her to explore new techniques and practice figure drawing.

People do not associate rigor and studiousness with art the way they do with music. She evaluates her work with one look and is satisfied. Whether its hours of long labor or a quick practice session, greatness in portraiture can come, reaching out to the audience with the depth of human expression.

Returning two years ago from a twenty year absence while stuck in the business world is another female artist, who takes portraits as her preferred form. She has always been attracted by portraits. On canvas she expresses what she has understood from what the subject is saying to her. With unlikely color combinations of dark green, blue, yellow and white, she is able to capture the confidence of the model. For more information on paintings check out oil paintings portraits.

The depth of art comes from the ability of an artist to look beyond face colors. There are also tones, cool like blue and green or warm like yellow and white, created by lighting that the artist must capture. She says she is just attempting to ape the style of Renoir. The subject of a commissioned work can be painted during a live sitting or through photographs. While photos are convenient, live sittings allow the artist to observe the subject's personality first hand. The talent of the artist shines in his ability to bring out personality onto a canvas. Sometimes, there's just a split second where you see their personality. Though her portraits never lack in likeness, this is not her number one aim. She believes one's inner beauty takes precedence, which is a good technique when successful.

Artists must learn to compromise their unique urges with the requests of the patron. Portraits can also be more flattering by using more vibrant colors to bring the subject out.
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Tags: color combinations, business world, greatness, pastels, oil painting, practice session, shading, portraiture, rigor, oil paintings, renoir, workout clothes, dance instructor