Encourage Creativity with Art Supplies

By: Pure Blue Creative | Posted: 16th February 2011

Giving art supplies to friends and family is an ideal way to encourage their creative side.

As numerous birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions take place throughout the average year it can be difficult to choose the perfect present but buying someone art supplies is often a winner because they can be fun and inspiring.

Everyone has a friend or family member who is creative, whether it is through written poetry or fashioning clothes, so art supplies would be ideal for this person as it would allow them to explore and expand their artistic talents.

On the other hand, however, there be someone you know who would never dream of exposing their creative side but a gift of art supplies, be it paints, canvases or palettes, may inspire them to branch out and discover a new side of themselves.

Obviously if there is a practising or aspiring artist in your social circle, then a present of art supplies would be greatly appreciated as this will allow them more time to continue painting and creating.

Art supplies is also the perfect present for young people who enjoy learning art at school but do not have the appropriate materials at home to keep painting or drawing once they are out of the classroom.

One child who has benefited greatly from her use of art supplies is the incredibly talented eight-year-old American Autumn de Forest who the Daily Mail reported as the world's youngest conceptual artist.

With comparisons to Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso, the schoolgirl has already created 60 works of art since the age of five and has sold work that has fetched up to $200,000.

Autumn's father Doug told the newspaper that he decided to buy his daughter art supplies after she created a 'modern art masterpiece' from discarded plywood that was in their garage.

He told the publication: "So we purchased acrylic paints and some canvasses for Autumn to experiment on that were quite small at around one and half feet tall and just under two feet long."

"As the year progressed Autumn must have produced around twenty pieces, each one that developed in tone and style."

Doug went onto say that Autumn's work is similar to Georgia O'Keefe and abstract expressionist Willem de Kooning and often takes inspiration from famous pop art pieces by Andy Warhol.'

With Autumn's paintings fetching thousands of dollars, the de Forest's should be able to afford the very best art supplies for a long time to come.


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Tags: creative side, canvases, special occasions, palettes, salvador dali, artistic talents, pablo picasso, plywood, works of art, birthdays anniversaries, modern art, acrylic paints, art supplies, daily mail, creating art