Ex Prime Minisiter Gordon Brown Fears His Mobile Was Hacked

By: UK Tax Refunds | Posted: 15th February 2011

Gordon Brown has contacted the Police to state that his mobile phone might have been illegaly listened to while he was in the Labour Government.

It is not clear as to whether he thinks his message box was listened to or his actual voice transmission.

If it were his voice transmission than it would not be mere journalists but would have to be the Special branch or their equivalent. as mobile phone calls these days are encrypted or scrambled and cannot simply be listened to.

If he thinks it was his message box then of course he must take most, if not all, of the blame. Any one with a message box needs to have a pin number so it is private. If they do not then they are leaving the front door of their house wide open and should not be surprised if somebody walks straight in.

I can see why Brown might be very concerned after his childish outburst on Sky TV when he called his own supporter a bigot.

Perhaps he was simply concerned that his thinking in how he thought he saved the world would be shown as an absolute disaster for that is exactly what it was.

Or perhaps he was worried that his latest stealth tax was going to be made public.

It is even believed that Tony Blair has complained about messages that he left on other peoples phones when he was PM during the years 2005 to 2007 when Gordon Brown was Chancellor.

The mobile phone hacking scandal has to date centred on the "News of the World" paper which has always claimed that this was the work of one rogue reporter.

Clive Goodman "The News of the World" former Royal editor was sent to prison with a private detective in January 2007 having both been found guilty of interceptiing phone messages.

During the last three years the Crown Prosecution Service and the Police have maintained the position that there was not enough evidence to bring a case against anybody else.


The author writes a great many articles on taxes and for more information please go to Gordon Brown
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Tags: pin number, phone messages, scandal, voice transmission, tony blair, private detective, outburst, gordon brown, message box, sky tv