How to Deal With School Bullies

By: Kathryn Mcinnes | Posted: 11th February 2011

Have you been a victim of bullies? Many schools are attempting to do necessary steps to put an end to school bullying. However, many would argue that these measures aren’t sufficient to stop bullying. On the other hand, there are many anti bullying advice and tips available to help kids deal with school bullying.

Bullies in reality are cowards. This may sound surprising to you if you’re a victim of bullying in school, but it’s the fact. For sure, you’re thinking that kids who enjoy bullying are scary, confident giants. If you’ve noticed, bullies only pick on small kids in school and those who feel inferior about themselves. Bullying comes in many forms, like push kids around, endless teasing, ruining personal belongings, taking away lunch food or money and many more. Not all bullies come in gangs or packs, there are those who act alone and are very confident in bullying on their own. Bullies may be cowards, but they’re certainly not shy.

If you become a target of bullies in school, it’s vital for you to stop the act as soon as possible. There are a lot of ways to stop bullying. You can try to settle your differences with the school bullies. Ask why they keep on doing harm to you. Be warned though, this particular approach seldom solves the issue.

You can also approach your parents, guardians, grandparents, sisters or brothers. In most cases though, it’s always best to refer to your parents for guidance. Explain the entire situation to them and be open about how it affects you. Don’t be embarrassed to cry, this will be your release from all your pent-up frustration; crying also heals.

Your other option would be to inform the school about the bullies. Some people would advice you to fight back physically, but this would just make matters worse. No mistake can be solved with another mistake. Allow the school system to sort things out.
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Tags: money, measures, parents, mistake, frustration, target, guidance, necessary steps, grandparents, giants, personal belongings, guardians, gangs, small kids