Make Your Face Glow with Great Facial Products

By: Skin Expert | Posted: 11th February 2011

There are many great facial products on the market these days and so everyone can improve their looks a little when they use the right products for their skin type. Each person is a little different with their skin tone, dryness and type of skin, wrinkles and marks, and so the treatment needed will be a little different for each person.
Even just using a facial cleanser is a good start to wipe away all signs of old make-up and the impurities that your skin collects from the air simply by stepping outside. Once the facial skin is cleansed and toned you can gently massage in other products such as wrinkle cream to nourish the skin and reduce wrinkles.
A few minutes spent each evening taking care of your facial skin will make a world of difference to your looks not only in the present but some years down the track. Almost everyone is prone to wrinkles as they age, but those who have taken good care of their skin in the early years will have fewer wrinkles to worry about.
The main trouble with skin creams is that they do not actually penetrate the skin fully. Much of the product that is used gets wiped off on your facial cleansing towelettes, while less than 1% of the cream is absorbed by the skin. How much better it would be if your skin absorbed all the products you apply.
It is now possible to increase the percentage of skin absorption by using the dermaroller. This relatively new tool is, as its name suggests a roller. The surface of the roller is covered in tiny needle-like points that actually pierce the dermis of the skin, without damaging it. While this may sound painful, it is actually quite pain free and one result is that product absorption is increased up to 40%.
Other benefits to the skin are: -
The blood flow to the skin is stimulated.
Dead skin cells are removed by exfoliation, thus giving the skin a healthier, more youthful appearance.
Old collagen fibres are removed and the growth of new ones stimulated.
Blocked pores are cleansed.
Additionally, the treatment is cost-effective and does not damage the skin. And there is no sun sensitivity afterwards as there can be with some other skin treatments.
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Tags: impurities, skin wrinkles, youthful appearance, pores, dead skin cells, facial skin, skin type, dermis, skin creams, skin tone, facial products, facial cleanser, wrinkle cream, facial cleansing