Things to Consider in Buying Used Mobile Phones

By: Jamesmcovey02 | Posted: 11th February 2011

With the models and designs of mobile phones oftenly changing, many used mobile phones are already being sold. Though at first glance the offers are too good to pass, there are several things you should carefully consider before buying a used mobile phone. If you quickly jump at the cheapest deal, you might end up spending much more than if you bought a brand new mobile phone.
As much as possible, buy a used mobile phone from a trusted source. Friends, co-workers, and relatives are the best persons to buy a used mobile phone from. But if you want to check out other sources, you can ask people you know if they can refer one that they have had a good deal from.
This is important because used mobile phones usually have no warranties. It would be better if you could buy one still within its warranty period.
Although some used mobile phones are being sold because their previous owners purchased new ones with better features, many are being sold because they have deffective parts. This means you have to check the mobile phone carefully, from the outside to the inside. Internal damages are harder to detect so it would be good to have someone knowledgable about mobile phone technology when buying one. Many used mobile phones have also been cleaned and refurbished to look newer but have internal damage. Among the deffects you should check for is the battery, whether it is charging properly and whether the battery still works properly even when making phone calls.
It would be best to buy used Mobile Phones that have been in use for not more than two years since these devices wear out easily from daily use. See if the warranty sticker is still intact. If it is already void, this means that the mobile phone has already been serviced for a previous problem. You can also ask for the phone’s warranty receipt to find out when the phone was bought. Another way is to determine the date of manufacture of the mobile phone.
Even if you have found the used phone that is in good condition and has the features you are looking for, find out if the mobile phone is worth the price. Be aware of the current prices of brand new mobile phones of the same model. Sometimes, buying a brand new one is actually a better deal.
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Tags: first glance, co workers, damages, models, relatives, mobile phones, receipt, warranty, warranties, warranty period, mobile phone technology