Android Apps: Save Your Battery! Advanced Task Killer to the Rescue!

By: Jason R. Cunningham | Posted: 11th February 2011

Alright Boys and Girls, have you previously had problems getting the battery pack on your HTC Incredible (or another Android-based cell phone for that matter) to last through the day? I have undoubtably! I usually have to charge up my own battery two or even 3 times in one working day, especially when I am using a lot of online or Internet-based programs.

The instant I recognized this was going to be an on-going condition for me personally, I started to browse online for stuff that I could possibly do in order to increase my battery’s overall performance. I recalled how my Blackberry mobile phones would leave programs open in the background that I had to manually close, and that i thought that my own Incredible was exactly the same way, just it’s programs didn’t have many ‘exit’ or ‘close’ control keys many times.

In came Advanced Task Killer! This can be quite possibly the most Practical application I've ever installed! It positions a small Android character within the top status bar of your phone so you are aware it’s performing. You can open your notification screen by starting near the top of the display screen and swiping down any time you see the status bar, and after that click on the ATK line to start this program. You could very well be amazed at all the programs you have running in the background that are ostensibly started at random by your Android-based mobile phone. As an example, on my cell phone, I wiped out seventeen programs whilst scripting this in order to lengthen my battery. For some reason, the mobile phones open up programs to keep them operating without anyone's knowledge, although you may have not used them. As an example, my phone will keep my Google Maps and my Skype applications constantly operating although I’ve never used Skype and I use the maps maybe once every 2-3 weeks.

The best feature of the app, however, is in what it really does for you on auto-pilot: Enter in the settings menu and browse down to the ‘Auto Kill Frequency’ and touch it with your finger. You can actually set ATK to automatically get rid of any un-used apps at whichever timeframe you’d like. I have mine arranged to get rid of the apps every thirty minutes, but you can set it for longer or shorter periods of time. Another function which you can set is called the ‘Ignore List.’ Using this option, you’re able to tell ATK to not kill selected apps because they need to stay running. I’ve set mine never to kill ‘Angry Birds’ due to the fact I'm keen on the game so much.

Being a top download in the free of charge apps category of the Android Marketplace, this app is a snap for any individual to discover, as well as it’s the single most useful behind-the-scenes apps anyone can place in your cellphone. It’s cut my own battery usage by 50 percent, meaning I've got a lot more up-time with my cellphone than I ever might have without it. Without question, I’d suggest it to a person with an HTC Incredible OR any other Android-based cellphone.
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Tags: google, mobile phones, cell phone, auto pilot, mobile phone, blackberry, google maps, boys and girls, battery pack, skype, practical application, control keys, settings menu