William Guidry Lists the Top 10 Most Useless Sitcom Kids

By: William Guidry | Posted: 10th February 2011

We all remember Bud and Kelly Bundy, however what about the winners on this list?

First, a disclaimer. I hope this doesn’t start any any lawsuits. All the info on this list is just for kicks and every of the stories in regards to the characters are made up by me.

Because these characters were SOOOOO forgettable, I didn’t even take the hassle to look up their real names. In case you dare to fill us in on any of the winners, just submit your comments.

Without further adoo whacka doo…here's your Top 10

10. Full House - Stephanie Tanner

Stephanie is making an attempt to recreate that ‘ol TV magic. Surprisingly, she continues to go by her TV name Stephanie Tanner. She feels that if she tells a lot of people about how she used to play on a popular sitcom she may just be remembered. She’s currently in therapy trying to rid herself of the compulsive need to inhabit the body of one of the Olsen twins.

9. Family Matters - Judy Winslow

Judy was a real prize, unfortunately her mother was constantly on the set coaching her to say, ‘what choo talkin’ bout Willis?!’ After repeated efforts to make her mom understand that THAT was a different TV show, the producers had to let Judy go. She has been seen aimlessly walking the streets yelling, ‘DY-NO-MITE!’ - also from a, uh… totally different show.

8. Everybody Loves Raymond - Michael, Geoffrey and Ally Romano

These three stooges have been hardly seen or heard on the show. They must be relatives of the director or something. After not getting any respect, they were determined to start their very own roady gang called the CRIBS - since they all have nice houses. Sadly, the gang was short lived. Their first real try at felony activity in East L.A. was a botched theft at a neighborhood drinking establishment. Ally had her front teeth knocked out and Michael was shot in the leg. Geoffrey limped away with only a sprained ankle and soiled undees. The story did not make the news.

>-----------William Guidry-------------

7. Home Improvement - Mark Taylor

Even other show members would whisper to each other about Mark. They would often ask, ‘Who IS that child’. After the show Mark was wont to do a little off-site gamblin on the corner lot. It turns out he was fairly good at it and Tim Taylor was not. Mark had the last chuckle when he received all of Tim Taylor’s syndication rights and royalties from the show in a game of go-fish. Nice!

6. Roseanne - D.J. Conner

This one is a real head case. He became manic and aggressive when is onscreen sisters continued calling him names like Dirty Joe Conner and Dork Jam. “THE NAME IS D.J.’’ he would scream. The constant teasing and harassment pushed D.J. to really contemplate his plight and that of others like him. He decided to start up his own charity that helps youth who want to get back at the ones they hate. If you would like to donate, go to his web site at w3 dot youguyssuckandiwillgetmyrevengeoneday dot com

5. The Simpsons - Maggie Simpson

Maggie is now the Mayor of Springfield. She was victorious in a runoff election against incumbent Mayor Quimby after a stirring debate in which Quimby answered every question and was found to be a complete fool. Even though she is still not speaking, she rules with an iron pacifier.

-----------William Guidry-------------

4. I Love Lucy - Little Ricky Ricardo

As you know, Little Ricky was the son of his much more famous parents Lucille Ball and Ricky Ricardo. Since he feared rejection and didn’t desire to attempt to live up to his mom or dad’s stature, he decided to just keep existing in the 1950’s. The last we heard was that he was working as a gas station attendant and doing part time work as a bread delivery man dressed like a cowboy.

3. Who’s the Boss - Johnathan Bower

Why don't you take a look at this little cheese eater. I barely recall this show anyway and that makes this kid even more forgettable. Johnathan has really honed his skills over time though. He’s YouTube rich for his ability to to smell any fart and tell the individual exactly the amount of loose change they have in their pockets.

2. The Nanny - Grace, Brighton and Margaret Sheffield

It’s tough to get more forgettable than these three prizes of cinematic lore. After the sitcom ended, all of them popped up for taping for almost a week till site security instructed them that the gig was over and escorted them out. The power trio went on to start a number of failed companies like the Online Digital Rest room and the Sluggie, a wearable alarm clock vest that punches you repeatedly in the face when it’s time to wake up.

1. Growing Pains - That Little Dude in the Front

I couldn’t even find this child’s stage name. He’s the king of this cast of fools. For those who ever desired to be a forgettable sitcom spawn, you can only dream to be as forgotten as this poor sap. We’ll call him Bones Seaver. Bones was a bit of dreamer. He had this insane concept about how he could connect with a bunch of cool boys and girls and perhaps pick up some chicks on the internet. He was going to call it Facepages. He contacted his cousin Mark Z. and Mark told him that it was a crappy concept and that he should move on it and go get a real job. Bones listened to him and chose to make the best of his shift supervisor position at Bob’s Big Boy Burger.

OK, that’s it. Got any you wanna add to the list?
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Tags: front teeth, full house, family matters