Is It Possible To Recover Deleted Text Messages From A Cell Phone?

By: Ed Opperman | Posted: 10th February 2011

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

It is possible to recover deleted text messages from a cell phone if you have the proper forensic tools and training. In fact a great deal of erased data can be recovered including but not limited to:
1. Detailed Call Logs
2. Address Book
3. Calendar
4. Memos / Notes
5. File System
6. Pics
7. Texts or SMS

Many times a person wants to recover deleted texts messages or SMS because they suspect infidelity. They hope to find incriminating evidence of their partner exchanging texts with a lover. They have no idea the amount of incriminating information that may be found in the call logs or calendar. A cheating partner may be careful not to mention sex in a text message yet they will store the address and or room number of the motel they are meeting their lover. So while it's important to recover texts we should not limit ourselves to just one portion of evidence and instead make a concerted effort to recover every possible tid bit of information and evidence available on that device.

Unfortunately many times when a person asks about undeleted text messages they are directed to SIM card readers that can only obtain a very small portion if the information available. The best forensic tools designed to recover data from a SIM card will only recover a few texts. At worst a cheap over the counter 'does it all" SIM card reader will actually overwrite the data you are seeking. It is unrealistic to expect the same kind of results from some cheap over the counter device you can buy online to the kind of professional examination and report you can have from a real professional forensic examination.

If you need this evidence for court the introduction of a do it yourself SIM card reader can render the evidence inadmissible. A professional can produce a detailed report from your device without altering or damaging it in any way. they can recover and document the evidence recovered in a manner suitable for presentation in court. If you are serious about recovering evidence from a cell phone be sure to trust your device to an expert that has the full range of tools required to do a professional job. taking a short cut will only short change you not only in the data possible to recover but in potential damage or destruction of the very information you are seeking.


Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>
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Tags: logs, text messages, texts, address book, small portion, cell phone, memos, cheating partner, text message, infidelity, concerted effort, investigations, opperman