Should You Choose a Phone Answering Service or Attorney Answering Service?

By: Satya Narayan | Posted: 08th February 2011

Many law firms are struggling to answer their business demands. With phones constantly ringing, these practices use a phone answering service during office hours to free their full-time staff to focus on taking care of client needs. Other firms are facing leaner times and getting fewer calls. But missing calls from prospective clients in either case can be costly. When prospective clients call during regular office hours, after hours or on the weekends, it is important to be able to immediately schedule them for a consult to ensure they come to see you and they do not go to someone else.

Whether your practice can afford a full-time receptionist or not, your firm can benefit from a professional attorney answering service. There is a difference between a generic phone answering service and an attorney answering service, so it is important to understand the pros and cons of each before making a decision.

A true attorney answering service specializes in answering calls in the legal industry. While any phone answering service can say it provides attorney answering services, consider the following when determining whether or not that is true:

Be sure to ask questions and investigate phone answering services and attorney answering services to determine which offers the features that best meet your practice's call-answering needs. The right decision can save time and money while ensuring you never miss an opportunity.

Judy O'Brien is a freelance writer for Alert Communications, which offers a variety of phone answering service solutions, Attorney answering services and virtual receptionist services.

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Tags: pros and cons, reputation, prospective clients, appointment, full time, appointments, law firms, receptionists, time staff, phone answering service, business demands