Symptoms of Infertility: Be Mindful and Always on the Lookout

By: Andrew | Posted: 04th February 2011

The symptoms of infertility may vary greatly from one individual to another, but the most common and first evident symptoms of infertility is the lack of pregnancy after a couple has been having regular, unprotected sex for a year or more with no form of birth control in place. It is very possible to be infertile even if you are generally healthy, experience normal and regular menstrual cycles, and have a healthy sex drive.

However, if you suspect you or your partner may be infertile you should ask yourself, as well as your partner, relevant and essential questions and answer them as honestly as possible, so you will be able to better evaluate your present circumstance. Some of these questions relate to age, menstrual cycle and other factors.

Regarding Age

Are either of you 35 years of age or older? Symptoms of infertility in individuals whose age is more than 35 years old are very common compared to those who are still in their prime years of life. As women age, the percentage of women conceiving children also decreases. For instance, a woman who is 30 years old has a 20% chance of getting pregnant during any one cycle. However, when she reaches the age of 40, there is a dramatic drop in conception rates, to as low as 5%. So, if you are over the age of 35 and have been trying to conceive for six months or more without success, it may be a wise decision to seek medical attention to discuss possible symptoms of infertility issues.

Menstrual Cycles

Do you have regular or irregular menstrual cycles? Irregular menstrual cycles could potentially be symptoms of infertility. But bear in mind that it is only suggestive and is never definitive, therefore further diagnostic testing should be done to confirm any symptoms of infertility issues or underlying medical conditions. Normal menstrual cycles usually span from anywhere between 24 and 35 days. Cycles that fall outside this norm are considered abnormal or irregular. If this is the case with you, it may be beneficial to contact your medical provider to discuss possible options.

Another issue related to symptoms of infertility concerns the amount of blood that commonly flows each time you have your period. Do you bleed light or heavy? Do you experience intense or severe abdominal cramps? It is considered completely normal to experience bleeding for 3-7 days when you have a period. On the other hand, if your bleeding is considerably light or exceptionally heavy then you may want to consult your obstetrician. When trying to conceive, any variance from what is typically normal when it comes to your menstrual cycle should be noted and discussed with your obstetrician.

Regarding Males

Does your partner experience signs of impotence or ejaculatory problems? Unlike with females, detecting the symptoms of infertility in males is more difficult and most often needs the aid of more sophisticated tests and screening like the sperm count and sperm motility tests.


For more information about getting pregnant naturally and conceiving tips visit Conceiving Tips It is so hard to watch people around you getting pregnant, seemingly without any effort at all. There are simple natural and effective things you can do to conceive. Visit to find out more about the symptoms of infertility.
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Tags: bear in mind, six months, norm, circumstance, wise decision, birth control, medical attention, menstrual cycle, medical conditions, irregular menstrual cycles, 35 years, sex drive, unprotected sex, infertility, women age, diagnostic testing, infertility issues