Resolve to Protect Your iPhone This Year

By: Jon Jacobson | Posted: 02nd February 2011

It is that time of the year again, when all the things you wish you could change about yourself and the things that you do are turned into resolutions under the euphoric optimism of a new year. However, both you and I know that most, if not all, of these resolutions are likely to be broken or discarded within the first couple of weeks of the new year! Do not despair, this is just human nature. There is one resolution that if acted upon could be fulfilled within 10 to 15 minutes and will cost less than $100 whilst providing you with at least one years worth of benefit, if not more; get your iPhone protected with a case and a screen protector. You have been promising yourself for some time now, well now is the time to act!

Resolve to Protect Your iPhone!

If you have been using your iPhone without a protective case or screen protector for the past year, or you are using a tired and worn out case that no longer offers any level of protection then now is the time to change all that. Whilst it is obvious that your iPhone is relatively fragile and if not properly looked after likely to get damaged, you would be surprised by the number of people who have still not purchased a protective case. Do not run the risk of damaging your iPhone any more.

Probably less obvious, but certainly just as important as a protective case is the need to protect the touch screen on your iPhone. The iPhone touch screen is the main way that you communicate with and through your phone. Interacting with just about all applications, writing text messages and e-mails all require the use of the touch screen. With out it your iPhone is practically useless. Avoiding the scratches and cracks that can leave your touch screen inoperative is as simple as applying a $40 screen protector.

Here's to a Worry Free New Year!

For less than $100 and 10 minutes of your time you can complete at least one resolution this new year! Stop putting off buying a case and screen protector for your iPhone - the longer you leave it the greater the risk that you will actually break your phone.
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Tags: cracks, worry, benefit, text messages, risk, human nature, new year, optimism, 15 minutes, resolutions, scratches, protective case, touch screen, screen protector, iphone