Get pregnant in 3 months In Just 5 Minutes A Day…

By: Olivia | Posted: 31st January 2011

Have you ever wondered if you are fertile? To begin it’s essential that you and your partner takes action, if you not already, to become and stay as fertile as doable. This is done through staying fit, monitoring your ovulation and to stop using those things that are hurting your fertility, and start using the things that will improve it!

Research show that, when overweight, a man will lose precious mobility in his sperm when overweight woman tend to drop less ready-to-fertilize eggs being overweight. Don’t over do this though, for women, becoming too skinny may be detrimental to fertility, and in some cases causes your body to stop ovulating all together, making a natural conception impossible.

It is important to know that fertility includes both you and your partner. Yep, there are steps both men and woman can, and should be taking to maximize fertility to get pregnant fast. There are so many factors that can work against your partner’s sperm, preventing or slowing down its journey to your precious egg. Here are some quick fertility tips to get pregnant as immediate as possible.

Also, make sure to know when it is you are ovulating, there are over the counter products that help predict ovulation, some as accurate to as 36 hours before ovulation. Since the egg is only ripe to be fertilized for a small time period be sure you and your parent have sex at least once a day for 2 days before, and the day of ovulation. This is your single best fertility tip to getting pregnant fast.
Another type of product that can be purchased over the counter is sperm friendly lubricants. These lubricants help aid the sperm to its final destination. Be sure not to use any other type of lubricants that are not specifically sperm friendly, as they tend to hinder the sperms’ progress, or worse yet stop the sperm from reaching the egg completely.

Now listen to this one... Did you know that your spit kills sperm? Now that you do, I guess it goes without saying what sexual positions you may want to avoid to increase your fertility. There are also many types of helpful pills that increase fertility in both you and your partner. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Zinc are all key components to both men and women’s fertility.

Last, a final thing you should absolutely avoid is the use of caffeine or alcohol. It has been systematically proven that alcohol consumption will reduce your chances of becoming pregnant by up to 50%! In the place of coffee or that overly caffeinated soda you drink, try drinking some herbal teas. They not only have little to no caffeine in them, some people believe they actually improve your fertility. (More info here:

I don’t need to discuss the impact of smoking on your fertility, do I? If you cant quit now for your future children – when will you? Make two positives come of this experience!
Please use some of these fertility tips to get pregnant fast. They are the best way to guarantee you are increasing your chances of having intercourse to get pregnant!
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Tags: time period, journey, eggs, small time, egg, sperm, final destination, lubricants, fertility, spit, staying fit, day of ovulation, sexual positions