How Essential Are Essential Oils For Your Skin?

By: Naomi Andrews | Posted: 26th January 2011

You might have noticed or heard many skin care professionals and sites boasting about the essential oils present in their products and the benefits. Essential oils are undoubtedly essential for the skin. They help improve and revitalize the skin and hair in not one, but many ways. Scientists’ and herbal experts have always been interested in sorting out what the various plants and trees have inside them for human use. The great varieties of oils and gels which can be extracted from various trees have been researched for a long time. After vigorous and well structured research, it is now now known that the various oils which can be extracted from trees can work wonders to improve the skin.

Our skin can reap benefits from nature

Hundreds of essential oils are now known that can be used to cure various skin issues. Skin care experts have been continuously mixing various oils in different compositions to benefit the skins’ health. Skin ailments like acne, blemishes, scars, skin aging, open pores, dry skin, oily skin, psoriasis, skin regeneration, cracked skin and other skin concerns can be treated with one or another essential oils.

Essential oils are actually extracts of certain fruits, nuts, tree barks or leaves. Thus, these nature based product first needs to be carefully extracted from their plant source and then refined in cosmetic refinery plants before using them in skin care products. You can buy concentrated or pure or virgin forms of these oils and mix them in your daily use lotions but for this you must have complete knowledge about the concentration, purpose and amount to be used. For instance, if you have acne prone skin then tea tree oil or vetiver oil is the solution for your problem. For those with eczema, you can use calendula or cranberry seed oil. Most skin problems have an answer in the form of some type of essential oil.

Use the oils wisely

Different oils have different purposes and a different purity levels at which they are effective. Thus, knowing all the ingredients and making skin products at home is not a viable option and not really feasible. You can trust leading skin care brands and use their products. But select a product for your skin (type and need) only after getting your skin examined by a licensed skin professional. This way you can make sure that you are using the right product with the right essential oil desired by your skin. This would also assure you positive results in the form of healthier skin.

Whether using essential oils in your home made skin products or using readymade products from the market, you should make sure that you have all the required knowledge about the available oils, their purpose and your skin concern. You must diligently make an effort to select the most appropriate oil for your skin (consult a dermatologist for the same).

Naomi Andrews is an esthetician from Hawaii with 10 years of experience. In her practicing years she has had the opportunity to use various skin care cosmetics and anti aging products.
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Tags: tea tree oil, skin problems, acne blemishes, plants and trees, skin care products, oily skin, skin care experts, acne prone skin, skin ailments, seed oil, skin regeneration, skin concerns, open pores