Manga From Beginning To End

By: Akiko Yada | Posted: 24th January 2011

If you are talking about cartoons and comic items in Japan, Manga comes first among all. But in some part of the Japan it is not accepted. In early 70’s, in some part of Japan, many parents do not like to buy it and they stop the distribution of manga. At that time they protest it and some parents goes to retail shops and try to shut it down. They told to the shopkeeper that do not sold it as this is harming our children. They try to convince that after reading such types of books, it will harm our children and the effect of this book will not be good.

The fact behind the anti-manga is not understandable by the retailers of this book. The book sellers always said that they have not bought a single piece of this book. And only after seeing the front page of the book, they have decided to protest it. The school going children, who love to read manga, are protest by class teachers. But after lots of protest, the confidence of the writers are still on his writing and they continued their writing. And after sometimes it becomes so much famous in Japan as well as all over the world. The fans of this comic book are increasing day by day, and now it is one of the leading cartoon characters in this work which is famous in every age group worldwide.

Reality of Manga

After Second World War, many series of manga published with the topic. It shows the stories in graphics format and tells the truth. What happened in world war second, it is the clear picture about that and showing all the activities.

The impact of television on mangs comic books

As the craze of television is grooming very fast in Japan’s middle class family, also the manga character comes on Telivision with the name Anime. The first version on print media was Astro Boy by Tezuka Osamu. And after that varios screen characters comes and so successful wordwide.

All about today’s Manga

If I am saying that the manga is so popular in present then it is very odd in saying. Because it is so famous now that we cannot even describe in one or two articles. One can guess the popularity of manga from here that two or more than that movies release by Hollywood regarding this character. Some movies are on floor for production. You can guess the popularity of this character from here.

Yada Akiko is an owner of Paradise Manga website having helped over many people to get information. She writes on topics Manga, Comics, Bande Designees, Graphic Novels and Fumetti etc. for the website
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Tags: front page, age group, second world war, cartoon characters, shopkeeper, retail shops, middle class family, comic books, comic book