In Anticipation of the iPhone 5!

By: Jon Jacobson | Posted: 19th January 2011

If Steve Jobs and Apple follow their typical iPhone release format then the iPhone 5 will be released to the world in July 2011! No doubt there will be much anticipation, speculation and hype surrounding its release, particularly in light of the early issues associated with the release of the iPhone 4. Obviously, the Apple team will be working hard to ensure that the iPhone 5 is technologically more advanced than the iPhone 4, but they will also be working hard to ensure that there are no quality issues associated with the release of their new gadget. If you are sitting on the fence uncertain whether to buy the iPhone 4 or wait, my advice would be to sit it out and wait.

You can be certain that the newest member of the iPhone family will be sleek, good looking and above all exciting! New technologies, most likely centered around processing speed, visual enhancements to the display and social interaction capabilities will be introduced. Another certainty, based on the evolution of the phone, is that the iPhone 5 will be a different size to its predecessors.

These subtle changes in the design and size of the new iPhone mean that the many and varied second-tier industries, such as accessory and case manufacturers, and application designers will need to work extremely hard over a very short period of time to bring their updated products to the market in time to meet the needs of a very excited group of customers. No doubt many of these second-tier manufacturers and software designers are already beginning to get ready for this frenzy of activity that will most likely be very lucrative for them!

If you are one of these second-tier manufacturers then now is the time to start planning and preparing for the release of the iPhone 5. If you are a consumer then it is my guess that 2011 is going to be an extremely exciting year for you!
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Tags: no doubt, anticipation, guess, frenzy, subtle changes, gadget, software designers, social interaction, predecessors, steve jobs, quality issues, iphone, iphone 4, iphone 5