Lose that extra Holiday weight-it's all in the mind

By: amcaptain | Posted: 18th January 2011

The number one helpful way to lose weight is to be motivated! Make goals, write them down and stick to them like they were the law. Your goals should be reasonable. This site is pretty awesome! Worth checking out.


Other tips....water...lots of water. Lots of determination. Spend a week making a food diary to see what it is you are eating each day. You may be surprised at the number of calories you are consuming in what seems to be 1 serving. Measure our your food. Pay attention!

This is the type of program I am talking about. No expensive equipment or expensive foods...no ridiculous exercises that make you feel like death. No diet pills that are terrible for your kidneys and liver! Mind over body! I am a nurse, and soon to be nurse practitioner Ever heard of the mind-body-spirit connection? This is exactly what I am talking about. Let your mind and spirit take over and gain control of your body! Take your time. Check this out. Be motivated for the new year. Take control and follow this link for an easy program to help you lose weight (cheap

Here are a few motivating factors for you

Being only 10 pounds overweight increases the force on the knee by 30-60 pounds with each step
Overweight women have nearly 4 times the risk of knee osteoarthritis; for overweight men the risk is 5 times greater

Obesity increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease....they list goes on.....so think about your quality of life when you are older and take action now! So get ready for the new year and check out my blog at fatlosscaptain.blogpsot.com for more tips and set your goals!
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Tags: quality of life, mindset, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, heart attack, pay attention, obesity, kidneys, food diary, overweight women, kidney disease, diet pills, nurse practitioner, mind and spirit, risk of heart attack, motivating factors