Atlantic Coast Media Group – Success Unlimited

By: noam9powell | Posted: 14th January 2011

Andrew Surwilo is the co founder and co CEO of

Atlantic Coast Media Group (ACMG), one of the fastest growing U.S. companies in the consumer products sector. It
ranks high on the prestigious Inc. 500 list and is the 29th fastest growing consumer product company. Given the troubled
economic times, this entrepreneurial feat is nothing short of awe-inspiring.
roup-pass-out-turkeys-to-housing-authority-residents/">Atlantic Coast Media Group
is headquartered in
Jersey City, New Jersey, and has established itself as the leading multichannel developer, marketing its proprietary beauty
and wellness products to satisfy the age-defiant baby boomer generation of the U.S. The company’s products are
developed after intense research and are rooted in science to meet the physical and emotional needs of a generation that
has sworn to defy the hazards of age for as long as possible.
Drew Surwilo and href="">Tom Shipley
have an able team of experts, all accomplished performers in their fields of expertise. The company has established a
strong and successful direct response platform through which it continues to pioneer new products and brands. They have
developed a unique marketing strategy by which their products and brands are promoted through profitable media
channels that include television, radio, print media, telemarketing, direct mail, and many online advertising resources.

Hydroxatone is a winning brand developed by a team of
professionals who are the undisputed authorities in the wellness and beauty business. The product has clinically proven
ingredients that deliver visible results in the fastest time. Its convincing campaigns and continuous presence on TV, radio,
print, and web, combined with direct selling strategies, has helped ACMG get the product and its benefits to hundreds of
women and men across the U.S.

Healthy, young-looking skin is the desire of every woman and man regardless of their ages. The research team at ACMG
fully understood the needs of the aging baby boomers segment to look young and feel wanted.

Atlantic Coast Media Group is committed to the cause of providing the best skincare products to solve the specific
skin-related problems of aging Americans. The result was Hydroxatone, a brand that has captured the imagination of
young and the old alike. It delivers on its promise and has worked amazingly well on all types of skin-related problems.

Hydroxatone has succeeded like nothing has ever before in the skincare segment because it is an exceptional product that
delivers visible results. It is absolutely safe for your skin and can be used on a daily basis. Unlike other products available
in the market, Hydroxatone is safe for all skin types.
The vision of Andrew Surwilo and Thomas Shipley is to provide a dream skincare product to American women has
indeed come true and exceeded all expectations as far as performance and sales are concerned. Hydroxatone removes all
fine lines and wrinkles, makes your skin firm, improves texture and tone, and minimizes dark, under-eye circles.
Hydroxatone is clearly the favorite when it comes to using an effective, safe skincare cream.
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Tags: economic times, direct mail, unique marketing, wellness products, media channels, baby boomer generation, fastest time, intense research, visible results, beauty business