Vietnam opened investments for Green energy projects

By: andrewsboaz89 | Posted: 13th January 2011

Binh Thuan, province of Vietnam has plans to furnish energy investments for eco-friendly projects and foster many clean energy projects by 2025. In 2009 April, the Binh Thuan province embarked on the site clearance for the 663 hectares Vinh Tan Power Centre and this power centre will have the three thermal power plants capable of producing nearly 4400 megawatt. Recently the centre has commenced the installation of a couple of Vinh Tan thermal power plants and it comprises of a pair of turbine capable of yielding 1244 megawatts. The deputy director of the department of Trade and Industry of Binh Thuan Mr Ho Son Hung mentioned that, the province was making deliberate measures to support energy investments and attract many investors for the ameliorating the infrastructure. The government has allowed energy investment around 60 billion Vietnamese Dong for Binh Thuan province to invest in water carriers from Da-Bac reservoirs and Long Song. Binh Thuan has more than one dozen of wind power projects capable of producing more than 1500 megawatt of energy and the province contains more than 75000 hectares of land, capable of producing power more than 5030 megawatt of power. Rich details on making energy investments, different possibilities of energy investments, most useful guide on energy Investments can be found here.

Kenya Power and Lighting Company manage the distribution of electric power throughout Kenya; will establish energy investments for climate change projects since it attempts to increase their revenue. The recently concluded projects on climate change investment involved distribution of 1.25 million energy saving bulbs without any cost. The chief executive of the Kenya Power and Lighting Company Joseph Njoroge mentioned that, the company will reinvest the amount and will use them for developing new projects that will fetch a glorious name in the global market. The bank is joining hands with African companies and firms to develop projects and to trade the carbon credit in the global market. The companies and the organizations are planning to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide since it is the prime factor for the ravaging climate change.

NGenTec recently established wind turbine in Scotland has received nearly two million Euro energy investments from the investors of Netherland SET Venture Partners and Scottish Co-investment Fund. The spin-out from United Kingdom’s University of Edinburgh contrives to exercise the investments to form a prototype of C-GEN direct drive generator. The C-GEN generator utilizes direct drive technology that ceases the demand for gear box, instituting the turbine is easier to frame-up and to manage than the older models. The Department of Energy of the United Kingdom and Climate Change Environmental Transformation Fund summates nearly 800,000 Euro.

Rich details on making energy investments, different possibilities of energy investments, most useful guide on energy Investments can be found here. Lots of countries across the globe are straning hard to uplift the energy investments.
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Tags: clean energy, megawatts, energy saving bulbs