What Is Behind The Face Of This True Artist?

By: hilary rose | Posted: 13th January 2011

Music and art are normally synonymous for this artist. He was used having a house that has singing and painting all the time. He was astonished to learn that in school not everyone was into singing or drawing. Music has now been his life after putting art side when he was younger. Instead of washing cars for money, he would play with local bands which earned him more. More information on the topic of paintings is located at portrait artist commissioned.

For the next 30 years he played music. The thought of art and painting only came about 12 years ago. When he tried it out, he has not stopped. Just as a kid, he now paints and sings. Though these days he created pictures that are more in depth.

Being that he knows of a musician who had a knack for painting, he asked for oil painting lessons. With the guidance of his mentor he was able to learn his realistic style. The product of his hard work while studying were a painting that was chosen as a promotional print the year it was painted, and a portrait of a long haired, white cat.

What you show people is the result of your work. Essentially what he looks for in a certain scene is the emotional impact of it. It is important to make the person flattering when making a portrait of them. With flattery comes the right kind of lighting for the portrait. Thank you for reading about portrait painting prices and paintings.

Being able to have good lighting and shadow depth will make your images stand out more. What he is fond if using is watercolors but most people think it is oil. He finds it easier to work with watercolor since it is not technical.

In his biggest painting job yet, he painted a mural for a couple who live in the Clover Hill section of Frederick. The scene covers one wall in their home, and shows colonial Williamsburg. It is due to their interest for the early American village that they asked for a whole wall worth of art. With 10 feet wide by 4 feet tall measurements the mural shows a fictional street.

It was important that he put in some images of wagons and people dressed in colonial garb and hollyhocks to give it a more realistic feeling. When he gets going on a project, he'll often work six to 12 hours a day four days a week. For his rehearsals, he would spend the next three days for it. One cannot escape the physical and mental drain that comes with painting. Being focused is very important here.
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Tags: paintings, mentor, musician, emotional impact, watercolors, good lighting, knack, flattery, watercolor, portrait painting, portrait artist