Differences Between Japanese Manga and Western Manga

By: Akiko Yada | Posted: 05th January 2011

The manga which are produced in Japan is known as Japanese Manga and the manga which is written by American writers is known as American Manga or Western Manga. If someone is going by train and for time pass they read newspapers like that way in Japan, Japanese read manga at the time of traveling. The American/Western comic books are always focusing on action while Japanese love to read Manga. They think that the action comics may be worth at some day so they are interested in manga. In western culture, people used to read only Action Comics books but now the time is changing and they also love Manga as well. Saving one of the 300 page anthologies would be like saving yesterday's newspaper - no one does it.

The manga comic is not more than twenty pages that is why it is very popular in respect to Western Comics books, which have generally more than 300 pages. Reading manga is always going to be fun that is why, it is very demanding.

The one thing you noticed while reading manga’s graphic novel that, the book seems backwards while reading. Than the question arise, why? Most books are read from left to right but while reading manga’s novels you have noticed that our last page is their first page. The cover also seems like that it is on backwards. If you are reading it’s translated versions than also you can find these type of things. It works like that. If you turn the page, you will fill like you are going backwards.

Nowadays many U.S. writers are writing about manga. Manga is not produced in Japan by Japanese writer, that is why western people call it "American manga" or "Western manga".

Yada Akiko is an owner of Paradise Manga website having helped over many people to get information. She writes on topics Manga, Comics, Bande Designees, Graphic Novels and Fumetti etc. for the website http://paradisemanga.com
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Tags: love, newspapers, train, japan, western culture, comic books, graphic novels