The Final Days in Office for Ralph Gonsalves!

By: thomson | Posted: 04th January 2011

These are the final days in office for the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and Grenadines. With the December 13 elections, his era of misrule and undemocratic ways of running the country will come to an end. The Vincentians will not make the mistake that they made in 2005 when they elected Ralph Gonsalves for a second term as Prime Minister. The country and its citizens have paid heavily for those votes cast in his favor. They are still reeling under the mistakes committed by Comrade Ralph as he jumped from one bad decision to another. It was as if he will never do something for the country! And that is how he kept things even in the last few days of his rule. To ensure his victory, he got fake ballot papers imported from Libya or Venezuela !

There are confirmed reports and pictures available to corroborate this evidence. A plane coming in from the Panama was seen unloading cargo to a truck that was painted with ULP colors. This took place just a couple of days back. The country saw the pictures on the Internet and in some select media publications. Generally you never get to see any evidence of the wrongdoings of Ralph Gonsalves. Because he has the police and the courts under his strong control, you can expect him to manipulate things at will. He does that to protect himself and his political and social friends. He distributes favors to them, counting on their loyalty when things are tough for him. Things couldn’t get tougher for him as it is now !

The electorate of St. Vincent and Grenadines has never elected a Prime Minister for a third time in office. And there is very little to doubt that they will break that precedence this time around. The government headed by Ralph Gonsalves has done nothing but harm to the country. They have not provided what the citizens need and neither have they tended to their cares and worries. People in the government of Comrade Ralph did everything they could to plunder the country at will. They destroyed the economic framework and made St. Vincent and Grenadines a nation of bad repute on the international map. Once this country used to be a favorite spot for couples on a honeymoon! Now all that is left are the dilapidated remains of a flourishing tourism department.

In the coming days, the Vincentians have to make a decision. They can choose progress and economic development or continue to remain in the hopeless state that they are in. But the question is, will they be able to cast a free and fair vote? With Ralph Gonsalves taking control of the entire infrastructure, there is very little leverage for the Opposition party. They can only bank on the trust that people have put in them. They can count on the true votes cast by the Vincentians. If this happens to be free and fair elections, Ralph Gonsalves doesn’t have a chance. If he has his evil ways, the Opposition doesn’t have a chance!

Authors Bio: Edward Thomson is a qualified professional in the field of Economics. He also loves to travel extensively across the Caribbean.You can also check out his other write-ups and/or links to his views/comments HERE.

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Tags: worries, loyalty, couple of days, precedence, third time, prime minister, cares, bad decision, comrade