Multi-Camera Event Video: What to Consider and Questions to Ask

By: Outcast Digital | Posted: 31st December 2010

Production companies need to “see” the event in its entirety from start to finish. It’s important to communicate your vision as clearly as possible not only as to how the video itself will look but where and how it will be displayed or delivered to its audience. When putting together a proposal for a corporate event, such as a product launch or annual company meeting, it is helpful to consider the following factors:
- Where is the event?
- How many people in total are attending the event?  
- Is the event just one day or several?
- Are the speeches and lectures happening in one room or several rooms simultaneously? Do you want to capture everything or selectively?   
- How do you imagine the footage from this event be seen?  Web, big screen projection, sales meetings,  and/or television?  
- Is it one key note speaker at a time or more of a panel discussion?
- Will there be question from the audience that you will want to get on camera?
- Do you want to edit short videos from the event that you show at the event?
- Have you thought about filming interviews for key people at the event?
Webcasting v. hosting and archiving
Often times, videos are produced for web casting purposes, allowing an off-site audience to attend an important event, such as a product launch or shareholders’ meeting. If the time is of the essence that could mean a live web casting stream, however archiving event productions are highly encouraged and should be considered with the following key questions in mind (in addition to the questions above):
- Does the event need to be seen live, as it happens or would it be fine to have people watch the lectures or speeches within 2 to 4 hours after each speech?
- For how many months after the event would you like to have the event archived on-line? Would it be valuable to have a custom portal for the keynote speeches?  
For webcasting:
- What is your best estimate for the number of people watching the stream.
- Does the event’s venue the event have a T1 line?  If not what kind of connection do they have?
For concert videos:
- How many band members?
- How long is the concert?
- Is there a lighting designer that travels with the band?  
- Do you want to film the band one evening or many? How many venues?  
How will the video be seen?  Do you intend to broadcast the concert on television?  Produce a DVD?  Stream it live over the Internet?  All of the above? 
- Do you want to shoot interviews with the band as DVD extras, or to create a short documentary?
- Have you thought about using a jib arm or dolly to add movement and up the production value?
- Do you have a specific budget you wanted to stay within?
- Do you have examples of concert videos that you admire and would like us to see? Collier is founder and director of OutCast Digital Inc. Outcast is a full service event and web casting video production company, specializing in company event videos, sizzle videos, trade show videos, and music and entertainment multi camera shoots.
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Tags: important event, television, proposal, shareholders, product launch, time is of the essence, t1 line, sales meetings