General Election At Of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

By: samuel | Posted: 22nd December 2010

Voting is the basic right that every of age citizen of a democratic country enjoys. But it is not merely a right to enjoy, it is a power endowed to them to help them choose the right candidate who can run their country smoothly and efficiently. It is often said that with great power comes greater responsibilities. So, each of the adult citizens of a country should try to perform that responsibility very well by casting their votes to elect deserving candidates. The residents of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, who have their general election scheduled on December 13, 2010, should also do the same. They should analyze the power and flaws of the parties and then cast their votes. This will help them elect the right person who can handle the operations of their beloved country in the right way.

So before you cast your votes at the general election on December 13, you should asses the highs and lows of the present government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. This will help you understand whether you were happy with the current ULP government and the Prime minister Dr honourable Ralph Gonsalves. This realization will surely help you know whether your country needs a change in the government in order to put a step towards the development of the country.

Over the past nine years of his regime Ralph Gonsalves and his party have done some good things as well as something bad. For example, they have put emphasis on education through educational reform. They have also fared well have low income and no income housing projects and much more. They have also succeeded in commencing the work for building the international airport in the country, which in the long run can bring the country more and more foreign visitors. Thus no one can say that the government has done nothing for the country. The fact is they have done a lot more and a lot more also needs to be done. The government has also failed to establish its efficiency in a number of ways.

For example the Prime Minister has failed to control and manage the increasing national debt. The government also is having great difficulties with government funded projects like Food City and GESCO that has proved to be complete failures. He has also made some poor decisions that have affected the country pretty badly. He also has shut his eyes to corruption that has infested the government. He has also encouraged nepotism under his rule. He has made his son the Ambassador of United Nations. He has also shown a poor respect towards the law and order of the country and has misused the same as and when required.

Under this circumstance we cannot really say that the government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has done a great job all these years. Therefore, it won’t be a bad idea if the Vincentians start thinking in favor of a change and bring about a change in the government by giving the new a chance.

Authors Bio: Samuel Parker is a working professional who has a special interest in Caribbean and its surrounding nature.You can also check out his other write-ups and/or links to his views/comments HERE.

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Tags: realization, highs and lows, regime, nine years, asses, housing projects, prime minister, citizen, deserving candidates