Placing Television Advertisements Things to Ponder

By: Francis David | Posted: 21st December 2010

Advertising through Television has become one of the most successful and effective medium for any companies to market and sell their products to a considerably large audience or consumers. Television advertisements have many advantages as compared to other forms of advertising. Advertising your products through Television will help you to cater your products to a specific demography. Effective use of sound and motion will make advertisements more attractive to its attentive viewers. Advanced Technology has also assisted Television advertisements to have eternalness.

Size of the audience

The definite advantage of Television advertisements when compared to other mediums like radio and newspaper is its power to reach a maximum number of people in quick time. Thereby, your products will get more visibility. The only thing that you need to take care is the quality of your advertisement. It should be really attractive and should catch any viewer’s attention.

Viewer attention

Many families watch Television together and see advertisements together as well and there is an immense possibility that they take on-the-spot decisions about products which are endorsed through such advertisements. The major difference between TV advertisement and radio advertisement is this. Radio being only a background medium, fails to catch the real attention of its targeted audience.

Sound and Motion

One of the major advantages of Television advertisement is the fact that it utilizes the technology of sound and motion apart from sight, allowing creative alternatives. Blending your well designed visual advertisement with an appealing music increases the possibility of viewers to remember your product.

Many families watch Television together and see advertisements together as well and there is an immense possibility that they take on-the-spot decisions about products which are endorsed through such advertisements. The major difference between TV advertisement and radio advertisement is this. Radio being only a background medium, fails to catch the real attention of its targeted audience.

The definite advantage of Television advertisements when compared to other mediums like radio and newspaper is its power to reach a maximum number of people in quick time. Thereby, your products will get more visibility.


Viewers now have the liberty to watch programs and advertisements of their choice at their own pace. Viewers can now able to pause and rewind advertisements, thanks to advancement in Technology. This will help the viewers to watch an advertisement they like again and again giving them sufficient time to learn more about the product and will also get time to make a decision.

Target your Demography

With the advent of satellite and cable television, viewers now can choose to watch programs of their choice from the numerous channels available to them. Hence, it is much easier to target your audience by placing Ads in Television. The only thing that you need to take care is to place your advertisement on the right channel, in the right place and at the right time. For example, if your product is meant for women, placing your advertisements between popular shows like “Friends” or “TMZ” will definitely help you to reach out to a more focused audience that you desire.

By: Francis David

Francis helps people understand the DISH Network DISH TV Service and DISH Network receivers. He can help you find the best DISH Network Deals for new customers.
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Tags: consumers, advanced technology, mediums, music, maximum number, quick time, television advertisements, more visibility, demography, definite advantage