Go Back to the Future

By: Francis David | Posted: 21st December 2010

There are moments that are meant to be relished. I’m right now devouring one such moment in my life. As I am typing down this article using my laptop sitting in my garden, with the evening sun gently warming my skin, my son pedaling away in his newly bought bicycle and as my daughter playing “Ice Cream Shoppe” with one of her friends, it’s one of those wonderful moments.

I should have missed a moment like this a few years back and would have been watching Television even though being a stunning day outside.

Miss those "Good Old Days"?

Have you ever wondered what happened to our communities, our virtues and family values? The arrival of Television has indeed revolutionized our lives over the last couple of generations. The change has been so drastic that it sucks up almost three to four hours of our time each day. And that is about half of our free time.
Before the advent of Television, people used to spend time with their neighbors and with their families. Those good old days are not seen now. Throw your TV to get back your good old days.

In Seclusion

Even though it is many a times portrayed that Television unites us, it is in fact isolating us from each other. We watch ‘Friends’ and we never visit or neighbors. We watch ‘Playoffs’ and we never have time to play with our kids. We never get a chance to take pleasure in the warmth of the sun nor do we get a chance to enjoy the beauty of nature if we are slouched on our sofa watching our favorite shows on Television.

Among Communities

Last week I had a chance to go to a birth day party of my colleague’s daughter. We all were having a great time till someone switched on the TV. The entire party came to a halt once everyone’s attention was drawn to the NBA playoff which was running live. That’s the power of TV. This is what that is happening in our communities.
Problems can be solved

Problems won’t get solved or simply vanish by turning off your television set. Turning off your TV can fetch you more time to solve your problems and to develop relationships.
By plugging in your Television and leaving it on for almost four hours each day, you are losing something significant to your existence. We are losing those precious times that is needed to build relationships and to connect with each other.

Go back to the future

You can definitely go back to your good old days by simply switching off your Television set. Switch off your TV and play with your kids. You can invite your good neighbors over for a barbeque or even go for a walk. You need to pursue these activities to relax yourself and to foster relationships. Hence, going back to the future to savor your good old days is as simple as pressing a button – The turn OFF button on your television set.

By: Francis David

Francis helps people understand DISH Network TV Service and the DISH Network Channel Packages. He knows all of the DISH Network Promotions and Deals for new customers.
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Tags: colleague, advent, pleasure, neighbors, laptop, watching television, virtues, generations, favorite shows, bicycle, free time, seclusion, warmth of the sun, sofa, having a great time, family values