Various Approaches to Animal Portraits

By: ralph nelson | Posted: 21st December 2010

For six local artists, they will demonstrate their individual approaches to animal painting in a program that is to be held in conjunction with the animal friends exhibit in one museum. The requirement for each of the artists is to create an animal theme painting in the museum galleries and then tell the visitors about how they utilized certain styles and techniques to capture the image and spirit of the animals in the paintings. As mentioned by the executive director of a museum, people of different cultures and backgrounds find special meaning when it comes to animals.

When it comes to spiritual symbols there is the buffalo and doves as signs of peace. Good omens are associated with red tailed hawks while dogs signify a cherished friend. Animals have been subjects of artistic endeavor since the beginning of time, from petroglyphs to cave murals to oil paintings to jewelry and are favorites around the world.

According to this female artist she is an avid explorer of styles, techniques, and ideas. The way she developed her methods was through a long career of teaching, in workshop presentations, publications, and consulting. Where she is listed is the west's who's who and a founding member of a local society of watercolorists.

Originally from southern California was another female artist and she took up art and watercolor before moving to her hometown in 1983. Themes that she engages in include people and animal portraits not to mention landscapes and floral studies. Her style results from what has been called her rich and aggressive use of pigment and from her ability to push the watercolor medium into works of unusual size without sacrificing the brilliance of transparent watercolor, the director said.

For the other artist, he studied at the art center of college of design in Los Angeles and another famous college. He was a graphic designer when he was in Chicago who has experience in national exhibits including the national watercolor exhibition in environment. Each one of the artists will be creating presentations and publications in local and regional venues as well as in Springfield, Illinois.

After graduating with high honors from New York's school of art, the fourth artist studied for some time at the University of California in Los Angeles. An award for the best of show was what she received at Washington school of art's 12th annual competition. As mentioned by a reviewer, her work is able to give a precious glimpse of human drama for it is full of psychological poignancy as parts of a famous director's film.

Her degree in painting was earned by the fifth artist from Kansas university school of fine arts. She gives viewers a feeling of the atmosphere not to mention the mood of the subject as she paints in her own interpretive style of realism. Juried exhibitions, a number of one person shows, and a traveling exhibition shown at the Smithsonian institution in Washington, DC called the Kansas landscape are where this artist has been able to participate.

Able to culminate her study of art and refinement of painting skills was the sixth artist after spending eight years studying Chinese brush painting with a noted Chinese painter. What she did was adapt this style of painting, lifted or erased during creation, to the northern New Mexican environment. What was reiterated by the director of the museum was their commitment to artists and designers working showing up and it was said that they are honored to welcome these distinguished artists from the society of watercolorists to the museum.

For the enjoyment of audiences both young and old is the current animal friends exhibition which has been specially selected. This is a workshop visitors are surely to enjoy as the artists create portraits of their own special animal friends. 1992 was when the society of watercolorists was founded which has a mission to encourage the local and national production not to mention appreciation of professional quality watercolors.

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Tags: different cultures, oil paintings