Impact of Television on Business and Productivity

By: Bob Willson | Posted: 17th December 2010

Let's discuss some different ways by which TV is sabotaging your business. Is watching Television hurting your business productivity? Let’s see how watching television can actually hinder your efforts towards financial freedom.
1) Watching Television watching encourages numbness

While watching television, your metabolism level lowers somewhere between resting and sleeping level as it requires very less amount of energy. It's very clear and obvious how this tendency towards numbness or passivity and dependence could affect your business. As everyone agrees, an entrepreneur should be creative, initiative and demands a lot of hard work. Addicted to Television works against those traits and encourages laziness.
2) Watching Television will make you tired and depressed

Watching TV at a stretch for three to four hours will definitely make you tired, curiously wired and depressed. Sometimes it even makes you think why or how you had wasted the last few hours of your life? Even though watching Television has been proved to be stimulating to the nervous system, and since you were physically and mentally inactive, ultimately it all builds up with no climax. Everyone will agree that it takes a lot of energy and hard work to succeed in a business endeavor. If you opt for watching Television as a mode of relaxation, why not take a nap or exercise instead?
3) Negative philosophy promoted through Television

You may agree that most of the content that we watch on television is negative or sarcastic. And that will adversely affect to succeed in business as you lack positive attitude. You ought to realize that in order to achieve your goals you should have personal power. Of course time can be better expended by working on the business. Would you believe that watching news can give you a negative worldview? Ask yourself whether there is anything positive reported on the news? Good news never sells. During your down periods you should read inspirational books, study marketing materials instead, in order to enhance and hone your business acumen.
4) Watching Television sucks up your valuable time

A recent survey shows that an average American spends about four hours a day watching television alone. That may not be the case with all, but still, there are many productive things you should be doing during the time you watch Television. One option to save time is to read news online thereby spending only 15 – 20 minutes devouring the day's news stories. The time you spend on watching Television means the time your business is idle, not being productive and it’s absolutely not growing.

So, to conclude, think a moment. How watching Television may be impacting your financial future?

By: Bob Willson

Bob helps people understand the DISH Network TV Service the DISH Network Packages and Channels. He has all of the DISH Network Special Promotions and Deals for new customers.
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Tags: marketing materials, business productivity, business endeavor, financial freedom, watching tv, watching television, positive attitude, metabolism, nervous system, personal power, numbness, climax