Tips On How To Get Rid Of Dull And Grey Complexion

By: jerrick | Posted: 16th December 2010

If you have dull and grey complexion, it means your inner health is not up to par. Be more perceptive about the external signs of internal problems. This is the only way you can be one step ahead of skin aging.

Warding off dull and grey complexion is relatively easy. Here are some tips that might prove to be useful:

1. Detoxify your system.

One of the main reasons why your skin looks like that is because toxins and other impurities have taken up residence in your body. You can have to get rid of them in order for your body to resume its healthy and infallible processes.

Detoxification is facilitated through fibrous foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables loaded with fibers. Apple is a good source of fiber. Moreover, the area just under its skin contains nutrients that can effectively cleanse your stomach and get rid of impurities.

2. Improve circulation

Improper blood circulation can make your skin look stressed out. Do yourself a favour and include at least 30 minutes of exercise in your daily routine. Simple exercising methods like dancing and jogging can already do you a world of good.

You can also try soaking in a warm bubble bath after a long day of stressful work. Hot water can actually improve circulation in the body.

3. Get rid of dead skin cells

Exfoliation is the key if you want to have smoother and more vibrant complexion. Cleansing your dermis with facial wash will not really get rid of the impurities in your pores. You need a good skin scrub.

Try mixing brown sugar and lemon juice. Use this treatment twice a week. Brown sugar has fine granules that can unseat dead skin cells and other impurities in your pores. Lemon juice makes your dermis softer and smoother. This also has lightening properties that can get rid of pigmentation problems.

4. Keep your skin hydrated

Look for a moisturizing product that contains Extrapone Nutgrass, CynergyTK and Phytessence Wakame. Extrapone Nutgrass has whitening and brightening properties that can get rid of dull complexion and reduce pigmentation spots in just two weeks. It can lighten skin by as much as 45% during the first two weeks of use.

CynergyTK infuses keratin to the dermis. Keratin is imperative for collagen production. It keeps skin supple and strong. Phytessence Wakame is a type of sea kelp that can prevent the sudden loss of hyaluronic acid. This acid is vital for collagen lubrication.

Why don't you include these simple tips in your regimen? Keeping your dermis vibrant and rosy does not have to be expensive and difficult.


And now I would like to invite you to visit to find out which are the anti aging products you should use in order to achieve clearer and radiant looking skin.
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Tags: impurities, brown sugar, fruits and vegetables, fibers, lemon juice, pores, blood circulation, detoxification, dead skin cells, dermis, scrub, granules, facial wash