Tips in Collage Making

By: Kim Cjariz | Posted: 13th December 2010

Collage is the art of making bigger images out from many cut smaller images. Collage making is one of the most common and fun kind of art that we do during our early stage in schooling. It is very familiar during making school reports and presentation. Sometimes there will also be collage art exhibits or competitions showcasing your artistic skills and the theme of the event. To make a wonderful collage, here are some wonderful steps for you.

• A collage is usually made up of a cut images from magazines, newspaper, old books, photographs, ribbons, or any kind of materials that can be glued to a paper or canvas. You may put your collage on any kind of paper. But a thicker paper is better since a collage is made up of many layered paper cuts making it heavier. That is why it needs stronger support. So when you look for a paper or canvas where you will put your collage, make sure it can support the weight most especially when you put heavier materials.

• You may also use a paintbrush for adhesives and finishing touches. Use a paintbrush with a fine tip when glazing detailed parts, while you use a broad flat tip when painting a larger area.

• The collage materials you can use and glue on your canvas are not only limited to papers. You may also use jewelry accessories, beads, sand or shells.

• When glazing, it is better to do the glazing on both sides of the paper. This will avoid the curling. Curling usually happens when you only apply glue on one side. So to avoid this curling, glue thinly on one side of the paper and let it dry first before applying glue on the other side.

• If this paper still has minimal curls, you may wrap it with a wax paper, then a put a heavy object above it and let it stay there for a longer time.

• To protect the quality of your collage, you may top it with a varnish after you finish gluing the materials. Varnish can also add protection on the collage from fading.

Kim, 20, aspiring, inspiring
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Tags: glue, canvas, paintbrush, curls, wax paper, ribbons, shells, beads, old books, finishing touches, varnish, jewelry accessories, artistic skills, adhesives