Cheap Blackberrty Phones Outcome of concerted efforts efforts from RIM and the network carriers

By: SAMPAL | Posted: 08th December 2010

RIM along with the network cariers active here have managed to bring down the prices of most o the Blackberry smartphones currently selling in the market place here.

Blackberry smartphones have been and are still very considered to be truly world class. Be it the unbeard of efficiency levels when it comes to data networking or the very high speeds of internet connectivity that all Blackberry smartphones without exception seems to deliver, they are all a class apart and well beyond any scope of questioning. In fact, it was Blackberry smartphone devices that made it a point to always come out with the now familiar and customary full QWERTY keyboards.

But where RIM (Research in Motion) wanted to tighten up a loose end or two was one – the price factor. With all the rivals includign Nokia, HTC, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, and even players like Motorola and Acer coming out with equally able and sound phone handsets that at the same time were selling at unbelievably low prices, RIM just could not afford to just sit and watch. It had to act fast, before allowing its immense customer base to be taken away by its competitors.

And act it did. Now, no more are Blackberry phone handsets selling at exorbitant prices.Most of them are available now in the UK mobile phone market place for next to nothing prices. A vast number of cheap Blackberry contracts is beginning to make every single Blackberry product from the very first Blackberry ever to have been made to the more recent Blackberry Storm 2 and the Blackberry Bold Deals all under, more or less equally low priced under one or the other Blackberry contract deal.

You can actually get the Blackberry Bold 9700 for just £ 25 per month deal that requires you to continue doing this only for the maximum peirod of 24 months only. Even the forthcoming Blackberry Playbook is expected to come very cheap only.

You see, therefore, that a a concerted effort from RIM andl the various network serviice providers have ensured that you only get to buy Cheap Blackberry Phones only.
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Tags: customer base, internet connectivity, rivals, blackberry, qwerty keyboards, concerted effort, high speeds, playbook, efficiency levels, exorbitant prices, sony ericsson, phone handsets, research in motion, loose end, mobile phone market, uk mobile phone, contract deal, htc, data networking