How to Treat Wastewater

By: Meredi | Posted: 29th November 2010

Wastewater treatment is an absolutely necessary step before disposing of waste and water. It reduces the threat of spreading disease and is a key component of environmental stewardship, smart growth, and energy recovery. But how does wastewater treatment work? Here are the various steps that ensure proper waste water management.

Consult with a Wastewater Purification Firm in Austin, Texas

Each property has different sewage treatment requirements. Some may need to address hazardous waste; others may want a re-use system to recycle their water. The property type and location, whether it’s a school, office complex, gas station, etc., determines how many and what type of treatment processes are required. If you are located in a rural area and need an on-site sewage facility (OSSF), a wastewater engineering firm will be able to help you determine which of these are necessary. For the building and maintenance of the waste disposal facility, you will need to consult with a sewer treatment plant construction company.

Preliminary Treatment

The preliminary treatment process removes large solids from the water. It is a necessary step however, not all properties require this phase of the water treatment technology as not all properties produce wastewater with larger solids.

Primary Treatment

Primary treatment advances to the removal of the next smaller category of solids which includes, sand, human waste, fats, grease, and oils, etc. The wastewater is temporarily held to allow heavy solids to settle to the bottom while lighter solids such as oil and grease float to the surface. Both the settled and floating solids are removed before the wastewater progresses to secondary treatment. The speed of the sewage treatment process is carefully regulated to ensure the solids have adequate time to settle out before the treated water can continue to the secondary stage of water purification treatment.

Secondary Treatment

Secondary treatment removes soluble organic matter that escapes primary treatment. This stage uses a biological process to break down the organic matter. This process occurs naturally in nature but is accelerated in this phase of treatment. Upon leaving the secondary treatment phase, the water will still carry pathogens, bacteria, phosphorous, nitrogen, and heavy metals.


Depending on your property and waste type, you may need tertiary treatment as well. Tertiary treatment may include several steps. Water at this stage can be used for the irrigation of public areas such as parks or golf courses. Sometimes water at this stage will be disinfected chemically or physically to kill any and all the bacteria so as not to discharge it into the environment or cause damage to highly sensitive or fragile ecosystems. If it is sufficiently clean, it can also be used for groundwater recharge or agricultural purposes.

For more information on water and wastewater treatment in Austin, Texas, consult with Wastewater Solutions. A comprehensive water technology firm, they offer quality construction, repair and operations for on-site sewage treatment plants.
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Tags: water purification, rural area, necessary step, organic matter, oil and grease, adequate time