The Best Natural Skin Care Plan

By: J E Ruby | Posted: 24th November 2010

The best natural skin care is by simply living life healthy and avoiding stress and other factors that can cause skin problems. These factors are environmental, physical, and many more.
You should always take time to rest despite your busy schedule. You should have at least 8 hours of sleep every day. Our skin regenerates and removes skin damages as we sleep. For your skin to be rejuvenated, you should have adequate hours of uninterrupted sleep. Many of us try to get by on as few as four hours of sleep a night. This is not healthy for our bodies and will show up in tired looking haggard skin.
If you are a smoker you should quit. Smoking takes the oxygen away and your skin needs a significant amount of oxygen to stay healthy and fresh looking. Have you noticed the skin of women and men who have smoked for years? It shows in their skin ten, doesn’t it? Their skin is not near as radiant as it would’ve been if they had not smoked.
Another thing that you should include in your best natural skin care treatment is drinking adequate amount of fluid. Doing so can hydrate your skin effectively and make your skin look fresh and clear. You should drink 8 to 12 glasses of water or fruit juices a day. It is also good to drink fruit juices to obtain more vitamins and minerals.
You should also take time for exercise and avoid stress. Exercise is god for your circulation. Optimal circulation will help the blood flow to the skin, which will give you a radiant complexion.
The fitness of your body and mind also affect your skin. You should be aware of that. Your diet should also include healthy food like fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are also good antioxidants that fight free radicals and protect the skin from damages.
You should also include in your best natural skin care plan the use of reliable skin care products. These products should not contain ingredients that can be too harsh for your skin. What you need is a natural ingredient that can meet your skin’s needs. For instance, you can use natural ingredients like grapeseed oil that protect the skin cells from aging. You can also use skin care products with jojoba oil. This ingredient resembles the molecular structure of natural skin oils. This is the reason why these oils are absorbed easily by the skin and can replace the lost body’s natural oils.
Other ingredients to consider for the best natural skin care are active manuka honey, Cynergy TK™, babassu, shea butter, avocado oil, wakame, coenzyme Q10, and natural vitamin E.

To find what I use check out my web site listed below in the bio section.

Elizabeth Ruby is passionate about good health and using healthy products on her skin. She does extensive research on the best products to use and what products to avoid. Visit her website at to find out what products she recommends.
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Tags: circulation, busy schedule, vitamins and minerals, nutrients, skin care, healthy food, fruits and vegetables, oxygen, free radicals, smoker, blood flow, women and men, fruit juices, skin problems, natural skin care, skin care products, natural ingredient, avoiding stress, skin care treatment