What Kind of Foods are found on Paleo Diet Recipes?

By: Troy Powers | Posted: 19th November 2010

The Paleo diet reduces body fat, enhances the immune system and increase your output of energy. As you read this article you will realize why the Paleo diet was created, exactly what food types you can consume on the Paleo diet and discover what really the many blessings to the Paleo diet are.

I want to start off by saying, the Paleo diet was first put together in the mid 1970’s when a gastroenterologist named Walter L. Voegtlin developed a meal plan derived from the foods that the caveman would consumed during the Paleolithic Era.

The philosophy associated with the conception of the Paleo diet was due to anthropologist claiming that the caveman was more physically fit, had high levels of strength and was free from today’s chronic diseases as compared to people today.

Now the caveman was mostly a hunter and gatherer who lived off foods that his world made present to them. The caveman had no method to grow crops and did not preserve his food. The caveman had learned hunting methods and along with abundance of wild plants, vegetables and fruits.

The caveman would eat a equal balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. This is mentioned as many nutritionists recommend NOT consuming one particular food but to design a meal plan build on all the food groups. Many of the dairy products were not available to the caveman.

Proteins like pork loin, lean veal or top sirloin steak along with eggplant, bell peppers and lettuce are a small sample of the Paleo diet. Desserts are derived from fruits like strawberries and citrus. May delicious salads exist but the main thing meals are fresh and natural containing no preservatives. The Paleo diet contains no processed foods.

The advantages are many as not only do people lose weight from the food plan but they have more discipline of their desire to eat. Many preservatives may increase one’s appetite directing more hunger.

Many individuals on the Paleo diet appear to be more energized and do not feel bloated as with processed foods. Their skin is clearer and they feel a stronger immune system. The greatest advantage about the Paleo diet is you reduce the odds greatly of high risk disease like colon cancer, diabetes and heart disease. This can be attributed to avoiding processed foods with large amounts of fats and preservatives.

The Paleo is diet is basic dieting with no hidden tricks and meals any cook can prepare. I strongly suggest that you review the 300 plus Paleo diet recipes and start learning the many types of meals possible. Numerous people obtain Paleo Diet success with the Paleo diet.
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Tags: dairy products, bell peppers, vegetables and fruits, food groups, chronic diseases, nutritionists, caveman, food plan, meal plan, food types, gastroenterologist, veal, paleo diet