One Bottle of Glowing Skin, Please

By: tiffanywindhurst | Posted: 17th November 2010

The effects of over-exposure to the sun are hardly a secret. While many people crave the deepened skin tone and wholesome tanned look, very few are willing to risk their health by basking in the harmful rays of the sun.

This certainly doesn't mean you have to go without the suntanned look. Sun bronzed skin is available to everyone in bottle form. Yes, that's right, self-tanning lotions.

Self tanning lotions increase the melanin in the skin. The amount of melanin in a person's skin determines how dark their skin tone is. By increasing it, you increase the pigment, giving the effect of suntanned skin without ever venturing into the sun.

The effects of self-tanning lotions are often accelerated by ultra violet light, such as that found naturally in the sun or in a tanning bed. Some lotions are specifically designed to accelerate the tanning process with the use of ultra-violet light.

These lotions, when activated by ultra-violet light, cause the blood to circulate closer to the skin surface, stimulating the increase of colour to your skin. This type of product is marketed as a tingle lotion, because the increased blood flow results in tingling, pins-and-needles sensation.

The strength of the tingling lotion you use will depend on how quickly you want results. If you want to tan gradually so it's natural looking, a regular tingle lotion is the ideal choice. Over time this will give you a developed, deeper colour, much the same as a natural tan.

However, if you already have a base tan, and you need to be glowing for a special weekend or event, you can use a stronger tingle self-tanning lotion. This is known on the market as a hot tingle lotion. The concept is the same as the regular tingle lotion, except its super accelerated and the stimulation of your circulation and blood flow could leave you feeling overwhelmed.

Nevertheless, the results are immediate and dramatic. A beautiful, radiant and glowing tan directly from a bottle.

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Tags: circulation, health, melanin, blood flow, skin surface, pigment, rays of the sun, harmful rays, tanning bed, skin tone, pins and needles, self tanning lotion, ultra violet light