Hardship Helper - a solution for those facing hardship, wanting help while remaining anonymous

By: Jenner Harrison | Posted: 16th November 2010

Facing financial hardship? Feeling isolated, alone and unsure of your next step? You are not alone. Millions of American’s are feeling the same way. Good, hardworking honest people who have fallen behind. In this economy the combined weight of mortgage payments, car payments, credit card payments, medical bills, insurance bills plus the cost of daily living can be overwhelming. Add to that unemployment or reduced income, divorce, illness or any of the other factors that may come into play and you quickly find you are facing true hardship.

Unused to economic hardship, many of the families and individuals I work with have difficulty adjusting to the realities they face. Embarrassed, they avoid talking with their creditors. Ashamed, they prefer anonymity over dependable guidance. Who could blame them? No one wants friends, neighbors, business associates to know they are struggling. I wouldn’t want the world to know my business. I am sure you don’t either.

In my experience hardship sneaks up on people. Used to good jobs and good pay, homeowners are slow to recognize the dangerous position they are sliding into. Like deer in the headlights, too often we are ill prepared to meet the challenges racing towards us.

Where are you in your hardship?
• Optimistic of quick resolution
• Unsure what to do about the problem
• In denial
• Trying to live normal life on the outside but sleeping less and less at night

Each homeowner faced with hardship has options and some key decisions to face. Do you:
• Wait to see if things will work out?
• Search the internet for clues on what to do?
• Hire someone to solve my problems?
• Get professional, private and impartial guidance specific to my situation?

Which do you think is the worst choice? Sadly “wait and see” is often better than hire someone to solve my problems. Scammers abound, sniffing out your desperation and primed to pounce. Be cautious about entrusting someone with your personal financial well being. As many who have been ripped off will say, they would have been better off doing nothing than trusting a scam artist.

So should you do nothing? Of course not! The first step 99% of my customers took when felt the financial squeeze was to search the internet. Search “hardship” and you will get a flurry of advice. Keep searching and reading and slowly you will learn the lingo. You will begin to understand some of the options and develop a plan of action. Unfortunately, this route is full of flawed and outdated information, filled with generalities or guidance that does not apply to your unique situation.

I am always amazed when I speak with an otherwise intelligent homeowner who has cobbled up a rough idea of how to save their home based on info learned during an evening online. Your home is your biggest expense and most important asset. You will spend thousands and thousands of dollars and thirty years paying for the right to own it fully. And yet, in times of hardship, so many homeowners develop terribly ill informed approaches to working through their hardship.

Fortunately, I have found a solution. You can now get written assistance from professional underwriters one hundred percent anonymously. For less than a hundred buck the associates at hardshiphelper.com will analyze your situation and provide you with an insider approach to protect your assets. You can ensure you are taking the appropriate steps at the appropriate time. You will be moving forward confidently rather than spiraling downward.

And it is truly anonymous. You provide them with your history and tie it only to an email address. No names. No phone number. No credit reports. Not even a property address. You tell them your story, they develop your plan. And they don’t even bill you for a week!

I love the concept. Knowlegeable, affordable advice while protecting your anonymity. I knew my clients would really love the concept. But before I could give hardshiphelper.com the thumbs up I needed to test them myself. I created a new email address to ensure it was 100% blind. Using paypal, I knew my anonymity would be further protected. Hardship Helper would only know my email address. So, fully anonymous, I paid my $99 and completed their information form in about 10 minutes. I received one email later that day with a question about one of my answers. Two days later I had a full action plan, focused on my particular hardship, in my inbox. Hardshiphelper.com had had no idea I was involved in the housing industry or active in helping families find solutions to their housing needs. They had no idea I would be posting a service review!

The result was extremely positive. Having read and re-read the report I am impressed.

Hardshiphelper.com provided me with:
• a professionally written, custom hardship letter
• modification recommendations based on my unique situation
• prompts on how to survive the prequalification telephone interview
• my debt to income ratio’s
• timeline outlining key hardship milestones
• triggers that could lead me to quick rejection
• tricks my lender uses to evaluate my application
• a list of what to include/exclude from my request package
• budgeting plan – how to prioritize my bills to maximize my ability to qualify for a mortgage modification

Did they give me a magic wand to instantly solve my problems? No. Did they tell me how to maximize my strengths and minimize my weaknesses? Yes. I am confident using the game plan they created for me I would be successful in surviving my hardship.

With that in mind, I highly recommend hardshiphelpers.com. I am confident, based on my own experience, they will be able to assist you should you be faced with financial hardship.
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Tags: credit card payments, guidance, anonymity, scammers, business associates, neighbors, desperation, medical bills, mortgage payments, creditors, car payments, denial, realities, financial hardship, unemployment, economic hardship