Facials: Not Just for Relaxation

By: Meredi | Posted: 16th November 2010

Many people undergo cosmetic dermatology procedures for appearance’s sake. The classic facial often gets forsaken, as it’s labeled a comfort treat, meant to relax and calm people but not to make them look better. However, facials do rejuvenate the skin in some of the most natural yet thorough ways possible.

The Steps to a Facial

1. Skin Analysis. Although this sounds basic, it’s not something any ol’ Joe can do. A trained, experienced esthetician analyzes your facial skin using a high-quality magnifying lamp. This allows the skin professional to identify any skin conditions and customize a specific treatment plan for your unique skin needs and desires.

2. Facial Cleansing. For a thorough facial cleansing, your Austin esthetician doesn’t just use soap and water; they use cotton pads or sponges in conjunction with a cleansing lotion specifically designed for your skin type (dry, oily, sensitive, etc.).

3. Exfoliation. Although many dermatologists encourage exfoliating once a week, this professional exfoliation uses a mechanical or chemical exfoliant to comprehensively erase all bacteria and dead skin cells on your face. Your Austin esthetician may use steam vapor or steam towels to enhance the exfoliation’s impact.

4. Extraction. This part of the facial serves particularly useful for people suffering from acne or severe blackheads/whiteheads. The extraction process involves your esthetician manually extracting all oil and dirt – otherwise known as sebum – from the pores. This not only helps to eliminate existing acne, but by cleaning the breeding ground, the esthetician makes it exponentially more difficult for acne to develop.

5. Massages. This part of the process can be added if the customer requests it. Frequently, either a facial massage or an upper body massage is available.

6. Customization. At the beginning of the facial, during the skin analysis, you and your esthetician will discuss customized masks, hydrations, sun protection and serums. Any customized add-ons or changes which you and your esthetician have agreed upon will be implemented throughout the facial. This might involve changing the facial; some specific types of facials exist to address different skin conditions. For example, an oxygen facial provides hydration to dry skin.

If it’s been 4 to 6 weeks since your last facial in Austin, call Zimmet Vein & Dermatology today to schedule your skin’s next cleansing. They offer 30, 60 or 75 minute facials dependent on your availability and need.
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Tags: breeding ground, whiteheads, soap and water, sebum, dead skin cells, facial skin, cotton pads, skin type, dermatologists, exfoliation, skin conditions, serums, body massage, facial cleansing, facial massage