How To Enjoy An Art Gallery

By: Cranberry | Posted: 11th November 2010

An art gallery may not be a place that many think of as an enjoyable destination for a night out or a date. However, these places really do have a lot to offer. Keep in mind that the atmosphere in galleries can change quite a bit, depending upon the location, the owners, and the style of art that is being displayed, so you may want to do a bit of research on various art galleries in your area before you choose one to visit.

Art Gallery openings are also a lot of fun, so if you hear of new gallery opening in your area, that is the night you will want to go. Take your spouse or a date and plan to have a great time. Dressing appropriately is important, so find out a little bit about the event. Many openings in cities and upscale areas will host only black tie openings, so you would feel a little odd showing up in jeans and a t-shirt. Similarly, other openings may be a bit more quirky, so again, find out ahead of time a little bit about the featured gallery and artists.

Often the style of art that is featured can lend you a clue as to the dress code. Classic and sophisticated paintings will be more formal, while a more modern and trendy selection will likely lend to a more casual atmosphere. In the end, if you still haven't got a clue, you can always call the art gallery and ask. Any gallery curator or owner will be more than happy to help you.

If you want to appear professional, you may wish to do a bit of research about the art gallery, and their featured artist and paintings before you go. This could be to impress your date, or just so you can have a sophisticated conversation with those at the gallery. If an artist will be in the building, you may want to know a little bit about him and his art before hand.

Plan to have fun, but keep in mind that boisterousness if not really accepted in this atmosphere. It is best to speak at a low tone. Most of the time, everyone huddles together in groups or couples and speak quietly together about the art. This can be a great intimate atmosphere for a date, so don't embarrass your date by talking too loud on inappropriate subjects. And don't forget to listen. You may learn something.

If you plan to purchase a painting, keep in mind that the prices listed are usually non-negotiable. This is not the place to try to barter to get a good deal. If you are not prepared to pay what a painter asks for a painting, it is best you look elsewhere.

It is a good idea to stay a safe distance from the paintings. These works of art are very expensive, priceless in some cases. You are not allowed to touch them, and you should be very careful if you are sampling items from the buffet table that you are not careless enough to have a mishap that would splatter on a painting. If you damage a painting, you will be required to pay for it.

An art gallery is an enjoyable, wonderful place. Dress appropriately, go expecting to have a good time, and share the experience with others. Your date will also enjoy doing something a bit different.

You can enjoy an art gallery online. Or stop by a local art gallery in your hometown for a personal visit to see their wonderful collection of art.About the Author
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Tags: little bit, clue, paintings, great time, couples, t shirt, jeans, dress code, black tie, casual atmosphere, art galleries