Fully inclusive exhibition suppliers

By: Gen Federico | Posted: 08th November 2010

There’s a lot more to setting up an effective presence at a conference or an exhibition than just turning up, putting some pamphlets on the table and watching the customers roll by. If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing well, and that holds just as true in the world of exhibition display stands as anywhere else. First, there is the stand to choose. An amazing variety of sizes and architectures are available these days. No longer is every stand a basic white marquee with a table at the front. A lot more is expected!

Once the basic shell is sorted out, it’s time to consider banner stands, advertising materials, graphics, lighting, tables and chairs, and not least, getting it all there. Transport is often overlooked until the last minute, but it’s extremely important to work out how the stand and all its contents will arrive at the exhibition venue well in advance, and to allow time for setting up. Remember that there will be queues as many other exhibitors will want to set their stalls out at the same time.

Engaging exhibition suppliers who will include delivery and assembly along with a complete display stand kit can save a great deal of time and hassle, not just on the big day but also beforehand. It may cost a little more to get a complete service but when the staff time that would otherwise be spent figuring out logistics is factored in, some of these ‘walk-on, walk-off’ exhibition suppliers do provide very good deals.

Hiring a professional company to provide and set up everything from the shell to the banner stands not only makes putting on really good exhibition display easier, it also eliminates the possibility that mistakes will be made. If a regular member of shop or office staff is given the responsibility for the company’s exhibition or event presence there is always the chance that a significant item will be forgotten, that the stand will be assembled poorly, or that something else will go wrong. Event logistics are always difficult, even for people who are used to the field and know what needs to be done.

With that in mind, anyone planning an event, conference, or exhibition (or even planning to have a significant presence at one) should think very carefully about insurance. The worst can happen and sometimes it does- fires, floods, thefts, transport delays, accidental double-bookings and worse. More often, it’s just small things that go wrong, but having the right insurance provides peace of mind and the knowledge that whatever happens the attendees will walk through the doors on schedule and find a sparkling and fully equipped event.

Project management companies will go one step further and handle the whole thing from start to finish for those who are putting on whole exhibitions or those participating in them. Again, it is worth considering the cost of engaging one instead of delegating a less experienced staff member from your own company. The monetary outlay may be greater but so may the potential return.

The Article is written by www.tsnn.co.uk providing Exhibition Suppliers and Event Insurance Services. Visit http://www.tsnn.co.uk for more information on www.tsnn.co.uk Products & Services
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Tags: presence, shell, hassle, architectures, pamphlets, advertising materials, good deals, logistics, complete service, last minute, lighting, marquee, exhibitors, queues, professional company, office staff, staff time, tables and chairs, banner stands, exhibition