How To Get A Flat Tummy in a 30 days - How To Guide

By: SylviaChan | Posted: 07th November 2010

How to get a flat tummy in a 30 days is a struggle to figure out when a deadline is on its way soon. The strain of the calendar by itself can drive you insane and stop fat loss from occurring! Right now we will focus on one of several ways how we Asian girls use little tricks and techniques to lose belly fat quickly when we need to get lean fast!

The Way To Get A Flat Stomach in a month - How To Guide

The very first thing I suggest to weight loss clients when dealing with a slim down deadline, is to remove two key things that help make our tummies look bloated, soft, and overweight:

Salt and Sugar.

Whenever you eat salt you might not realize it, but it makes you to retain up to TEN TIMES its own weight in water inside your body, which means when you are gulping down french fries, or another salty snack, you're performing double harm to your look: Gaining weight AND gaining water.

So the first thing we will do is knock out the salt (and sodium). Make it a goal.

Along with that, drink double the amount of water each day that you are currently. We do this simply because the body in fact is aware that any time you're consuming a lot of water it implies you've got ample access to it doesn't need to hoard or save it for an emergency. Drink MORE water and retain LESS water. Pretty simple. :)

Our second item to do away with is Sugar. This one is more challenging for obvious reasons haha!

You must eliminate the sugar until your deadline because it ALSO causes heavy amounts of water retention. Carbohydrates literally force water into the cells of both muscles and other organs, which gives you a bloated puffy look.

Don't Believe Those Diet Pill Before and After Pictures!

Ever consider how the individuals in diet pill advertisements cut down so much weight and look ripped in "just 30 days"?

Well the industry's dirty little secret is usually that the people in the ads were put on a massively high carbohydrate/salt diet for three weeks ahead of the "before" photo shoot. They then embark on a no-carb/no-sugar diet for an additional month, at the conclusion of which they shoot the "After" photo.

What happens? By the end of the three weeks of consuming all those carbs they appear to be 15-25 pounds heavy...when in actuality they haven't gained more than 3-5 pounds of genuine fat...

Then once they go to a high-protein/no carb/no salt diet they immediately get rid of all that water weight, look ripped, and shoot the "After" photo.

Did they really eliminate any fat? Nope. It's an illusion the majority of the time and it's legal for the companies to advertise this way. So no diet pills ladies, they DO NOT work.

The point of this story is to get you to do the same as the "actresses" in these advertisements when you have a deadline to look good approaching and you need to drop a couple dress sizes. Cut out the salt, cut out the sugar, and drink a huge amount of water. That on it's own will get you most of the way there.

Add in a good high quality protein diet (lean meat, chicken, fish, tofu), and you'll be stunned at how fast you apparently drop inches.

It can be challenging for anybody, but here are a few tips for exercises that work to lose weight, just just click the link. Here's a nice write-up on no more exercises to reduce tummy fat.
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Tags: several ways, advertisements, organs, muscles, french fries, hoard, tummies, gaining weight, high carbohydrate, lot of water, drink more water, diet pill, sodium, water retention, asian girls, flat stomach