Do Collagen Pills Help Your Skin Get That Youthful Glow?

By: Kalpana Rajagopalan | Posted: 06th November 2010

When it comes to issues on skin and aging, the most probable question is this: do collagen pills help your skin by providing the required precursors for building collagen fibers in the skin? If you are looking for information on what kind of supplements to purchase and buy, read on and find out more.

Are collagen pills worth your hard earned money to improve your skin or is this all a myth? Do collagen pills help your skin become more youthful?

The truth of the matter is that taking collagen pills will not be effective in producing collagen in your skin to defy the signs of aging.

Until this very day, it has not yet been validated if orally taking collagen pills will do anything for the improvement of your skin at all. However, this does not imply that you cannot get help for aging skin as there are also other good alternatives to get back your skin's youthful glow.

Everyone tends to develop wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles and sagging of the skin as we age. This is what happens during the normal process of aging.

In fighting the signs of aging, do collagen pills help your skin? First, you have to know that building collagen is quite a complicated process.

Our body is likened to a construction equipment that is amazing in its complexity. It is only recently that scientists were able to duplicate the process of producing collagen in the laboratory, creating its synthetic form.

In the human body, there are a number of different collagens present. In nature, there are 28 of them with about 90% of collagen types present in the human body.

Types I, II, II and IV of collagen are found in the human body. These various collagen types make up the different parts of our body.

Do collagen pills help your skin when the supplement is obtained from marine sources or chicken bones?

Majority of collagen supplements made available in the market nowadays are obtained from chicken bones or bones of marine animals. However, the actual composition of these protein supplements is not defined in full on the bottle labels.

When the collagen pills make its way to our digestive system, it is broken down into its primary components amino acids, minerals and vitamins. These substances are necessary in building collagen; however, there is no way to find out which specific part of the body will absorb the nutrients.

In essence, protein such as collagen is the building blocks of all forms of life, while amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Supplementation is something that can be done as it is beneficial to the body in so many ways.

Do collagen pills help your skin to look and feel better? Any increase in your intake of protein may help your skin look and feel youthful.

However, the application of certain nutrients directly to your skin is proven to be more effective as it works faster. Of course, this is true only when you apply the right amount of ingredients.


If you're looking for effective methods of building collagen with a product that you can trust, check out Kalpana's website, and see how it can change your perception about natural skin care products.
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Tags: myth, hard earned money, complexity, truth of the matter, human body, pills, wrinkles, dark circles, protein supplements, marine animals, aging skin, precursors, construction equipment, collagen fibers, youthful glow