How To Make It On Broadway

By: Mark Bee | Posted: 25th October 2010

Broadway theatre, or is commonly called Broadway, refers to theatrical performances presented in one of the 40 large professional theatres with 500 seats or more located in the Theatre District, New York and in Lincoln Center, in Manhattan, New York City. Along with world renowned London's West End theatre, Broadway theatre is usually considered to represent the highest level of commercial theatre in the English-speaking world and is considered to have the best of actors that you may find. Buying your event tickets are always worth when you watch at Broadway.

If you are interested in being a theater actor and chances are that you have a goal of becoming a Broadway actor, which I think, is the ultimate goal of any theater actor. Indeed, Broadway is the pinnacle of success in the United States for any method of acting, be it musicals, or plays no wonder that people are lining to get event tickets to watch Broadway. However, before you decide to head to New York City to fulfill your dream of becoming a Broadway actor, here are some tips to ponder:

Go to best theater school around the country. There are specialized high schools and colleges throughout the United States for you to be trained and hone your craft. Additionally, the faculty of these schools has ways of networking or connections, so if you impress them, you might get a role straight on Broadway easily.

Watch Broadway musicals after getting event tickets and learn from great actors how they tackle their role and incorporate that to your performance just remember to develop your own style and identity.

Be versatile or multi talented In the old days of Broadway, famous performers could usually sing and dance, but nowadays, it's important to sing, dance, and act since all of these skills are being incorporated to most plays. Also, you should know how to read music to make it easier for you to study your part and learn the music.

Don't be discouraged and feel bad like it's the end of the world for you if you didn't get a role. Remember that auditioning is a part of the job and not landing one role doesn't determine your worth. Learn from mistakes and assess your audition performance if did great accept criticism and take it positively.

Hire an agent to represent you and book your for jobs and auditions. Since you are a newbie, you might not familiar with the way things are going in the business and you don't have idea about auditions for big production. Having an agent to do this for you and represent you will make it easier to get jobs. Be aware that agents have percentage or cut from your salary or pay in every production that they book you.
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Tags: pinnacle, networking, lincoln, new york city, london, colleges, high schools, manhattan new york, how to read music