Three Easy Ways to Get Access to Satellite Television For Less

By: Replete | Posted: 21st October 2010

With the cost of everything going up in a slow economy, to continue laying out hundreds of dollars every year to either a satellite or cable television provider just does not make sense.

Not when there has been a far cheaper way found to get the same programming, the same channels for a lot less than you are currently paying, and within a few clicks of the mouse.

Just key in ‘watch TV online’ into your favorite search engine, and you are on your way. Or go to our website below where we have done the research and identified the top five software packages available today.

Online TV Tip #1: Network websites
One way to get the same programming through the Internet is to go to each network’s websites and watch live feeds of all current shows for free. That is correct, for free. For the last several years now, the major networks, as well as most of the premium and regular cable networks have been providing current programming on their websites. Some of them stream them as a live feed, while others launch new programs on the site within an hour of being telecast live. In any case, all that programming is out there on the Internet, for free.

Satellite Internet TV Tip #2: Satellite to PC software
There are a lot of websites out there, all dedicated to spreading the word about satellite Internet or online TV. Available on all of these sites is a software package that will enable your home computer to be able to tune in and view all of the channels currently available from these providers. In fact, through the use of this software, you can actually tune in and watch way more channels than the current 300 channels available on the average satellite package. And, you can get this range of programming for free, or for a one-time licensing fee. That software gives you a lifetime of free satellite television programming, and for not even a third of what it costs every month for your satellite provider.

Satellite Internet TV Tip #3: PCI card
If you are leery of subscribing to or downloading software, there is a physical alternative that will also allow your home computer to find and view satellite Internet television. At the back of every computer are card slots. Most computers will have two of those slots already filled, usually with a network card and a wireless Internet card. There will always be one or two extra, empty slots to install more function cards. This is where you will install, or have installed, a function card known as a PCI card, which will allow your home computer to act as a satellite dish. This is done through a subscription service, but will still be far less than what you are paying for satellite television currently.

We have undertaken a detailed analysis of most available software packages for watching TV on your PC and selected what we consider to be the top five. You can read our reviews and subscribe to our free newsletter with heaps of hints and tips on getting the most from your software package.

Our website is at: href="">TV on My PC Tips
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Tags: last several years, software packages, major networks, cable networks, software package, home computer, slow economy, satellite television, live feed, television programming, internet tv, satellite internet, live feeds, satellite provider, pc software