Effective And Natural Topical Creams For Dry Skin

By: J E Ruby | Posted: 20th October 2010

You might be suffering from dry skin and its unwanted effects like itchiness. I presume that you already have used different skin care products including natural topical creams for dry skin. However, your skin condition is still the same and it may even grow worse than before. This is expected.
You should know that not all products, including natural products, can produce great results all the time. There are some factors to consider in finding a good skin product that can provide you good skin results.
First is to make sure that the product you choose does not contain any harmful chemicals. We all know that some of these chemicals like alcohols, parabens, and fragrances can produce negative results. But the manufacturers still decide to include these ingredients in their products because they have a longer shelf life. In addition, these ingredients cost less compared to products with natural ingredients.
Some chemicals, like parabens, even may cause cancer. Parabens are used in many skin care products as a preservative. Vitamin E is much safer and just as or more effective as parabens, so search for products without parabens, so your health will be protected.
The next thing you should consider is the active natural ingredients present in the natural topical creams for dry skin. Some of the most effective natural ingredients are Cynergy TK™, Phytessence wakame, Grapeseed oil, and active Manuka honey. These ingredients have proven their effects in treating irritated skin and in curing dry skin.
Natural oils like avocado oil are also helpful. These ingredients have the same molecular component as the skin. It can be easily absorbed and can serve as a replacement for the lost natural skin oils. You should never use products with mineral oil as an alternative. Mineral oil strips away the skin’s natural oils and clogs the skin pores. This ingredient can aggravate the dryness and itchiness.
And the last thing that you should know is the right amount of natural ingredients. Some natural topical creams for dry skin do not give you the great results that you expect them to. This is because some manufacturers use small amounts of natural ingredients to attract people to buy their product. That is why it is not only important to know the right ingredients. You also have to check if the product that you wish to buy has high levels of these ingredients.
To find out what natural topical creams for dry skin I use check out my web site listed below in the bio section.

Elizabeth Ruby is passionate about good health and using healthy products on her skin. She does extensive research on the best products to use and what products to avoid. Visit her website at http://www.your-best-skin-care-site.com/ to find out what products she recommends.
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Tags: shelf life, skin condition, dry skin, harmful chemicals, mineral oil, natural ingredients, vitamin e, skin care products, topical creams, natural oils, avocado oil, skin product, skin oils, alcohols, unwanted effects, irritated skin, natural skin, parabens, active manuka honey