The Different Varieties of Cauliflower

By: Elroy Tyner | Posted: 14th October 2010

A plant may have different varieties or classifications. Cauliflower, just like any other plant, has several varieties. It can be classified in 2 ways. Cauliflower can be classified either by its color or by the time they are harvested.

One way to classify the varieties of cauliflower is through their color. The typical or popular color of this plant is white. However there exists a variety of colors such as purple, orange and green.

Another way to classify this plant is through the season in which they are harvested. The main classifications are early summer, summer, fall and winter. Each of these varieties has different sowing time and harvest time. Due to these differences, each of the variety has different characteristics. They also have to be grown and cared for differently.

The early summer variety is usually sown from autumn until mid-winter. This specific variety is harvested in the late spring up to the early part of the summer season. The summer variety is harvested in the middle of the summer season. The fall variety is commonly planted in the late summer to avoid intense heat of mid-summer. This variety of cauliflower matures at the end of the summer season until fall. The last type of variety is the winter variety. This specific variety is harvested during winter. This is considered by many people as the simplest to grow because of the abundance of water during winter.

Special care has to be taken in growing each of these varieties. Each variety has unique needs which are usually brought about by the weather. The early summer variety for example requires a constant temperature of 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit during its germination period. The early summer varieties must be planted in a site that gets the most sun but sheltered from the wind. Planting them near hedges or trees should be avoided, because these will become their competition for nutrients.

Finally, whichever variety you choose, you have to make sure that they will be able to survive in the climate of your area.About the Author
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Tags: abundance, colors, 2 ways, nutrients, late spring, climate, weather, cauliflower, fall and winter, intense heat, hedges, fahrenheit, trees, autumn, mid summer, harvest time